How can we recognize the end of our periods ?

Every woman has experienced it. After a few days of periods sports, your sanitary protection is no longer stained. Yippee, that's the end of periods. Except that the next day, disaster strikes: periods is back, your white pants are stained, your sheets are ruined... So what's the rule? How do you know when periods ends? 


Duration of periods : when does it end?

 In general, the duration of periods and bleeding vary from person to person land last between 3 and 7 days on average. The flow of periods will be more abundant in the first days of the periods

In her lifetime, a menstruating woman will have her periods nearly 400 times until the menopause. A menstrual cycle begins on the first day of periods and ends the day before the next periods . Cycles last 28 days on average, but can be much longer or shorter, depending on the individual woman.

If you have irregular cycles and periods anarchic, it will be more difficult for you to predict when your periods... To s'ensure to have short cycles or long cycles, it is important to follow the signs of your body:

  • Use a periods applicationto track your female cycle
  • Record the first and last days of vaginal bleeding
  • Indicate the days when periods are most abundant and whether periods are painful.

End of periods : what changes with short or long periods ?

Some girls who have their periods experience short periods episodes, then long ones. periods long throughout their lives. During menstruation, women lose between 40 and 50 ml of blood, or lthe equivalent of 8 tablespoons .

Quantity of blood before periods

periods abnormally short

When a woman has short periods periods, she is said to have an irregularity of the menstrual cycle , which s'is called l'oligomenorrhea. It's not uncommon for periods to last longer than the average, which is between 3 and 5 days of bleeding. Be careful not to confuse spotting with periods. You could be missing a sign of amenorrhea (absence of periods during pregnancy, health problems, stress, anxiety).

periods abnormally long

When periods and bleeding last longer than 7 days, we speak of menorrhagia or hypermenorrhoea. These are periods abundant and long periods. Bleeding is generally accompanied by abdominal pain of varying intensity. Other symptoms in addition to periods include anemia, severe fatigue, food cravings and headaches. If this applies to you, we advise you to consult a gynecologist or midwife. You could be suffering fromadenomyosis, endometriosis, a fibroid or have abnormal blood levels (incorrectly dosed hormones).

Is it normal to have brown losses at the end of periods ?

At the end of periods or in the middle of the cycle , it is possible to have or brown losses. Don't worry, this is oxidized blood in the uterus or vagina. Brown discharge is old blood that runs off with the white discharge.

The color of menstrual blood changes every day at periods, depending on its flow and the elements that make up the bleeding (lochia, clots, fibers, etc.). At the start of periods , blood may be pale pink and in small quantities, then bright red and may contain clots. At the end of periods or during spotting episodes, it may be brown.

Is it possible to speed up the end of your periods ?

To shorten the end of periods, there's no magic bullet other than taking hormones like the IUD or the contraceptive pill . But you can always try:

  • Regular physical activity, the sport that gives you pleasure
  • Making love. Sexual intercourse, and in particular female orgasm, will contract the uterus and expel more blood.
  • Adopt a balanced diet and avoid deficiencies 
  • Take vitamin C or lhomeopathy
  • LThe use of hormonal contraception to suppress or reduce periods

Which menstrual protection should you choose for the end of your periods ?

The ideal solution to the stress of having periods long, periods starting up again is to wear a period pants or a period swimwear if you're going to the water's edge l. The period pants in organic cotton and Tencel fiber offers unrivalled comfort compared with towels, panty liners or tampons. You'll be protected for up to 12 hours without thinking you're wearing sanitary protection!


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