Grossesse tardive : jusqu’à quel âge peut-on devenir maman ?

Late pregnancy: how late can you become a mother?

More and more women are becoming pregnant after the age of 40. Late-onset pregnancy is a phenomenon that is constantly on the rise. The latest INSEE estimates tell us that...

Late pregnancy: how late can you become a mother?

More and more women are becoming pregnant after the age of 40. Late-onset pregnancy is a phenomenon that is constantly on the rise. The latest INSEE estimates tell us that...

Hémorroïdes et grossesse : comment les soulager ?

Hemorrhoids and pregnancy: how to relieve them?

Hemorrhoids are a common problem for pregnant women. Hormonal changes and the significant pressure exerted on the veins affect the perineum and the entire pelvic region. With the Elia team...

Hemorrhoids and pregnancy: how to relieve them?

Hemorrhoids are a common problem for pregnant women. Hormonal changes and the significant pressure exerted on the veins affect the perineum and the entire pelvic region. With the Elia team...

Ovulation tardive : quel impact sur la grossesse ?

Late ovulation: what impact on pregnancy?

If you're planning a pregnancy, or simply want to understand how your menstrual cycle works, it may be useful to know when you ovulate. The length of the ovarian cycle...

Late ovulation: what impact on pregnancy?

If you're planning a pregnancy, or simply want to understand how your menstrual cycle works, it may be useful to know when you ovulate. The length of the ovarian cycle...

Mycose pendant la grossesse : causes et traitements

Mycosis during pregnancy: causes and treatments

As we all know, fungal infections are unfortunately a (very) common occurrence in a woman's life! And in this case, even more so during pregnancy! Of course, vaginal mycosis is...

Mycosis during pregnancy: causes and treatments

As we all know, fungal infections are unfortunately a (very) common occurrence in a woman's life! And in this case, even more so during pregnancy! Of course, vaginal mycosis is...

Interruption volontaire de grossesse : que faut-il savoir ?

Voluntary termination of pregnancy: what do you...

Voluntary interruption of pregnancy (abortion) allows all women, adults and minors alike, to terminate an unwanted pregnancy within 14 weeks. How is an abortion carried out? What are the stages...

Voluntary termination of pregnancy: what do you...

Voluntary interruption of pregnancy (abortion) allows all women, adults and minors alike, to terminate an unwanted pregnancy within 14 weeks. How is an abortion carried out? What are the stages...

Est-ce normal d’avoir des douleurs au bas du ventre pendant la grossesse ?

Is it normal to have lower abdominal pain durin...

Contractions and tightness in the lower abdomen are recurrent complaints during pregnancy. But when should you start worrying? And how can you tell? We explain. Why does a pregnant woman...

Is it normal to have lower abdominal pain durin...

Contractions and tightness in the lower abdomen are recurrent complaints during pregnancy. But when should you start worrying? And how can you tell? We explain. Why does a pregnant woman...