Mycoses and periods : how to treat them?

If you have a heavy vaginal discharge or an itchy vulva all day long, you're probably suffering from fungus or bacteria! Vaginal mycosis is a gynecological infection: three out of four women will experience one in their lifetime, including episodes of mycosis and periods !

Mycoses and periods : is the infection linked to the menstrual cycle?

Vaginal mycosis can occur at any time during the cycle, causing a disturbance of periods. Menstruation can potentially weaken the vaginal microbiota and have an impact on the development of bacteria. Indeed, at this precise moment, our body produces a hormone called estrogen, which indirectly regulates the glycogen, containing sugar, that the fungus responsible for this irritation, Candida Albican, needs to develop.
What's more, during the periods period, your vagina will have a higher PH than normal, making the vaginal area more alkaline, which favors the appearance of yeast within its flora.

How to recognize mycosis during periods ?

Vaginal mycosis is easy to recognize during menstruation. In fact, whether they appear before or after periods, they often have the same symptoms:

  • more or less intense itching, impossible or even difficult to relieve
  • burning sensation in the perineum
  • abundant white discharge, thicker than usual
  • abnormal swelling of the vulva, red discoloration, vaginitis
  • pain when urinating, similar to a urinary tract infection

Finally, if you're still not sure, you can ask your gynecologist or general practitioner for a vaginal swab and treatment, or take a self-test, which s'can be bought in pharmacies!

How to treat a yeast infection during the periods ?

Once you've identified a yeast infection before periods, you can start treatment. If symptoms appear during menstruation, you'll have to wait until the end to see if they persist and sif they're not linked to the discomfort of blood loss or to wearing sanitary pads that are too irritating.

Natural remedies

To treat this infection in women, there are natural remedies without having to take medications. These grandmotherly tricks can be used during or just after the menstrual period:
  • Apply coconut vegetable oil, a natural antifungal and antibacterial agent, to the affected area.
  • Grapefruit seed extract taken as a course of treatment is also a highly effective antibacterial and antifungal agent! Ask your health care professional or doctor if you can take this supplement in addition to your medication.
  • To avoid the appearance of bacteria, or to help get rid of them, avoid overly sweet foods, dairy products, over-ripe fruits and vegetables, and cold meats, as fungi and bacteria love them!

Medication for fungal infections

Generally and traditionally, these infections in women are treated at lwith antimycoticova and cream:

  • 2 or 3 antifungal ovules are inserted into the vagina in several doses spaced a few days apart. They are readily available in pharmacies.
  • Anti-fungal cream should be applied several times a day.

To prevent recurrence during menstruation and promote healthy vaginal flora, we recommend taking vaginal probiotics.

How can I avoid discomfort with mycosis and periods ?

To avoid and minimizediscomfort, we recommend following a few simple tips.

Use a cleansing product that respects vaginal flora

Here are our basicintimate hygiene tips:

  • Use a PH-neutral or pH7 soap. Wash your intimate area no more than twice a day!
  • Don't use wipes containing perfumes that tend to aggravate burning and itching.
  • Ideally, you should wash with clean water. Do not douche, as this will further disturb the acidity of your vagina and may cause vaginitis.

Choose the right hygiene protection

Disposable or synthetic protection is not very breathable, creating a humid environment that encourages the development of infection.
For example, choose period pants Elia in organic cotton, knitted to let your private parts breathe! Synthetic-free panties from periods pants are a great ally: they're not too tight, they breathe, and they protect against stains.

Protect yourself during intercourse to avoid irritation

When you have a yeast infection during periods, before or after for that matter, it's important to use a condom during intercourse. It's always better to protect yourself with a sexual partner you don't know perfectly well. Beware: in the case of sexual intercourse between two women, fungi can be transmitted from one vulva or vagina to the other, as the properties of the two organs are the same! Remember to check your contraception, as some pills can alter natural vaginal lubrication and encourage candidiasis.

Use suitable underwear

To prevent the proliferation of yeast and Candida Albican throughmoisture, here are a few intimate hygiene tips to apply:

  • Once you've showered, use loose-fitting cotton underwear that lets your vulva breathe!
  • Change and wash your towel regularly
  • Do not wear panty liners that do not allow the area to breathe!

In conclusion, vaginal mycosis during menstruation is not serious and is not inevitable! If, however, these symptoms persist, don't hesitate to consult your doctor or gynaecologist for further treatment and to check that other underlying illnesses are not the cause of your candidiasis.

FAQ for mycoses and periods

How do I treat a yeast infection during the periods ?

If you have a yeast infection during your period, it is advisable to treat it at the end of your period, unless the yeast infection was identified and treated before the start of periods. It can be treated naturally or with antifungal medication. To prevent recurrence, don't hesitate to take probiotics.

Can mycosis be removed with periods ?

A mycosis is unlikely to go away with menstruation if it hasn't been treated beforehand. Bloody discharge and the changing acidity of the vagina increase the risk of infection. However, even during the blood flow, you'll still be able to observe white discharge, the purpose of which is to eliminate it!

Why do we get fungal infections before periods ?

There are several reasons for developing a yeast infection before periods. The vaginal type is favored by medication, antibiotics and the development of estrogen, which favors lblood sugar levels.

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