Sick leave for periods pain: is it possible?

periods is still a taboo subject taboo subject in the professional worldmany women feel obliged to go to work despite painful go to work despite painful, heavy or even haemorrhagic periods . However, it's difficult to work under these conditions, especially if you're experiencing other menstruation-related symptoms: fatigue, headaches, stomach aches, etc. Can I go and see my doctor to get time off work? lHow do you manage your periods on company premises? Let's find out together!


Can you miss work because of your periods ?

Yes ! The periods painful (dysmenorrhea) or heavy menstrual flow don't always allow you to be at your healthiest, and may require a few days off work. However, you can't decide yourself to miss work overnight. You must see your GP or gynecologist to obtain a medical to obtain a sick leave.

This document certifies to your employer that you are are unable to work. To compensate for the loss of salary, if you are off work during your periods , you will receive payment of daily benefits (IJ) from the national health insurance fund. These benefits represent 50% of your daily salary. Please note waiting period of 3 days applies from the first day of absence, unless your employer covers the costs of your absence from work. For example, if you are off work for 5 days, you will only receive 2 days' compensation.

How can I obtain sick leave for painful periods ?

To obtain a medical leave for periods , you'll need to see a doctor. Your doctor will decide whether you need to take time off work, depending on your state of health. Here are the steps you need to take to medical certificate.

Consult a general practitioner or specialist

The first step is to see a doctor to get a check-up. We recommend that you go to a general practitioner. It's cheaper and quicker to get an appointmentIt's the best way to diagnose your state of health, and if you go to see your general practitioner ! At the end of the consultation, the doctor will issue you with a medical certificate attesting to your inability to work.

However, if your symptoms are chronic or very intense, he or she will refer you to a specialist for further examination. specialist for further investigation and discover the cause of your dysmenorrhea. Your painful or abundant periods may be the sign of several pathologies: the'endometriosis, l'adenomyosisuterine fibroids, uterine endometrial polyps, etc. Only a gynecologist can make this diagnosis!

Notify your employer and social security of the stoppage

To take advantage of your days off, thework stoppage related to your periods must be sent to the caisse primaire d'assurance maladie and your employer. The sick leave form consists of three parts, and you have two options:

  • You only receive section n°3 your doctor is responsible for sending it to the health insurance company. All you have to do is send the document to your employer;
  • You receive all three parts It's up to you to forward each section to the right person. The 1st should be sent to your Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie, the 2nd to your CPAM's administrative services and the 3rd to your employer.

It must be sent within 48 hours of your visit to the doctor. For your information, the document sent to your employer does not include any medical data. So you don't have to justify why you're absent if you don't want to be!

How do you manage periods at work?

sVery often, periods arrives when you least expect it, unless you have the foresight to use a menstrual calendar app. In any case, if you can't get time off work, you'll need to manage your menstrual periods and associated symptoms during working hours..

periods painful

lPainful periods is not a pleasant experience when you have to concentrate on a task or perform manual actions. The aim is to reduce the pain as much as possible so that it is bearable. For example, you can : 

  • Taking ibuprofen Ibuprofen: this non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is particularly recommended for pain at periods. Ibuprofen acts directly on the prostaglandinsa molecule that causes pain. Be careful to respect the daily dosage and not to use this medication for more than three days in a row. Alternatively, taking an antispasmodic can help reduce the pain of menstrual cramps ;
  • Using a hot water bottle by applying a hot water bottle to your lower abdomenimproves blood circulation, relaxes your muscles and reduce the pain of periods. If you don't have your own, you can make your own dry hot water bottle from periods at home ;
  • Fresh air and walking Sitting all day doesn't help to soothe painful periods ! As soon as you feel the pain returning, take a brief take a short break and go for a walk to ease the discomfort..

periods profuse or hemorrhagic

The periods abundant require regular changes of sanitary protectionespecially if you wear sanitary towels or tampons. Don't be embarrassed to take several breaks during the day to put on new protection, as soon as you feel that the one you're wearing is no longer absorbing anything. To remedy this problem, consider an external external sanitary protection like the period pants ! By purchasing a model adapted to your flow, one pair of periods panties is all you need per day.

To reduce the abundance of your periods, you can also ask your doctor for advice about hormonal contraception such as the contraceptive pill, the contraceptive implant or the hormonal IUD. This is an option if you prefer not to wear sanitary protection during your periods or if you suffer from periods hemorrhagic.

Should I tell my employer about chronic dysmenorrhea?

Do you regularly suffer from periods pain? Then we recommend that you your employer or someone you trust in your company (manager, director, human resources manager, etc.). This way, you can ask to have your workstation accommodation of your workstation ! Here are some possible solutions you can consider with your company:

  • Set up telecommuting At home, you can take breaks when your periods becomes too painful, without fear of your colleagues' gaze. You'll find it easier to manage your day, and you'll also reduce the stress associated with travel;
  • Lighten or rearrange your workload during your periods It's best to avoid all uncomfortable situations where it will be difficult to manage painful periods : business travel, long meetings, etc. Discuss it with your company to find arrangements, and concentrate on tasks and missions that will allow you to take breaks if necessary!

What about menstrual leave?

In France, the Labor Code does not require companies to offer employees menstrual leave.. As a reminder, menstrual leave allows women to take time off work during their period, without having to justify it! Currently in Europe, only Spain has proposed a bill in 2022 to grant three days' leave for women suffering from periods pain, with a possible extension of two days on presentation of a medical certificate.

However, some French companies have chosen to introduce menstrual leave for the benefit of their female employees. So don't hesitate to your superiors to find out whether to find out if such a scheme exists, or why not propose it!

FAQ on sick leave for painful periods

How can you justify an absence for painful periods ?

You need to consult a general practitioner or gynaecologist to obtain a medical certificate, which you must send to your employer within 48 hours. If your company offers menstrual leave, you can be absent without medical justification, but check with your human resources manager first.

How to relieve work-related pain periods

To effectively relieve your periods pain during working hours, here's what you can do: take ibuprofen or an antispasmodic (do not mix without medical advice), drink ginger or chamomile tea, use a hot water bottle and take a break as soon as necessary.


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