Sport at periods : what activities are available?

Can I play sports if I have my periods ? Will it make my menstrual cramps worse? Contrary to what you might think, it's a very good idea to have a daily exercise routine throughout your cycle and during your period! We give you a few tips and tricks in our dedicated article.

Is it possible to play sports during periods ?

Although you might think the opposite, sport is actually very good during periods. Sport releases endorphins, the happiness hormone. As well as boosting your morale, it can also help activate your blood circulation, relax your pelvic area and better oxygenate your body. During menstruation, the menstrual flow will release prostaglandins, unsaturated fatty acid molecules. Prostaglandins play a number of roles in our bodies, not least the contraction of our uterine muscles. And energy expenditure will help to improve blood circulation, relax and regulate weight.

However, it is essential to choose the right sanitary protection when practising sport. For our part, we recommend menstrual panties, suitable for blood loss through to the heaviest flows, but also capable of absorbing perspiration. As with your clothing, choose breathable cotton! Appropriate intimate hygiene, with regular but non-aggressive washing of your genitals, will also make your activities more pleasant during this period.

In what cases is sport not recommended during periods ?

It's not really inadvisable during menstrual periods. You can even go swimming! But don't force yourself if you don't feel like it lor if you're in too much pain. The aim is not to cause additional pain,increase stress or alter your cycle. In fact, during this period, it's best to practice in a non-violent, positive way. The most important thing is to listen to yourself.

What are the benefits of sporting activity with periods ?

In fact, there are many advantages to working on your mobility at periods .

Limiting painful periods and contractions

When you engage in regular physical activity, your body undergoes hormonal changes s. Exercise increases blood circulation, particularly in the lower abdomen. Better blood circulation oxygenates muscle tissue, reducing contractions.

Reduce the abundance of menstrual flow

By exercising, you reduce yourestrogen levels as you lose body fat. The more body fat you have, the more estrogen you produce. Excess hormones thicken your uterine lining, resulting in increased blood accumulation during the first part of the cycle. With the loss of body fat and the drop in estrogen levels, the uterine wall is thinner and blood flow lighter.

If you exercise during your periods, you may lose more blood at the time. When you move, it speeds up the descent of blood. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal. This may reduce the duration of your menstrual flow. But don't forget to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water!

Improve your physical and mental state

Finally, sports are very good for the mind! During your periods, your progesterone and estrogen production is at a minimum, which can lead to fatigue and loss of energy. But when you do, you release endorphins: thefeel-good hormone. After 30 minutes of physical activity, the production of endorphins will reduce your anxiety and stress, and alleviate the energy deficit that can be created by your periods or premenstrual syndrome.

L hysical activity has real benefits for morale, whether during menstrual bleeding, or at any other time of the cycle!

What sporting activities should you choose for your periods ?

The ideal sport during your periods is the one that makes you feel good. Only you can decide what you want to do. Above all, don't force yourself and s'listen!

Moderate walking or running

It's an easy activity to do, since apart from sneakers, you don't need any special equipment. Walking or running will put a lot of strain on your body, including your back muscles and joints.

Cardio or fitness

Exercises that train your cardiovascular system are very interesting. They stimulate endorphin production and blood circulation. Same principle: your discomfort will be reduced.

The dance

Dancing is both a sporting and an artistic activity, and can help you escape mentally as well as physically. It's up to you to decide whether you prefer energetic or gentle dances.


Swimming is a complete workout that works the whole body in depth. At the end of periods, when the flow is less abundant, it can be ideal. We also offer menstrual swimsuits! Otherwise, for heavier flows, internal protection such as menstrual cups or tampons are recommended.

Yoga and pilates

These practices are often recommended during flow. Yoga is known to have a beneficial effect on periods, relaxing muscle tissue and reducing discomfort. Certain types of position are more suitable during blood loss. Inversion postures, for example, are not recommended, as they pull the uterus towards the head, stretching the broad ligaments that support the uterus. This can lead to increased bleeding.

What impact does top-level sport have on periods ?

High-level sports can indeed have an impact on the menstrual cycle. In fact, with a very low BMI, fat mass levels are insufficient. And since estrogen levels are linked to body fat levels, athletes with low body fat levels may experience irregularperiods or evenamenorrhea.
If this happens to you, consult your doctor. Amenorrhea affects between 10% and 40% of women.

Pelvic pain is in most cases put aside by the great concentration required! In some practices, theaggressiveness that can be felt at this time of the cycle is even a driving force for the athlete. Even so, some women who train intensively may notice a drop in performance. Although this is not abnormal, it can be deleterious on competition days, when you're not on an equal footing with your competitors. It's a taboo that's only just beginning to be broken, particularly in tennis.

If this has a clear impact on your sporting career and you wish to avoid it, an appointment with your gynecologist or health professional to introduce hormonal contraception or a pill to suppress periods may be in order.

FAQs on sport and periods

Is it okay to play sports during periods ?

Exercise is not inadvisable during periods, on the contrary! It can really help to reduce pelvic pain, since when you exercise, you release the feel-good hormone endorphin. What's more, it activates blood circulation, which helps to oxygenate muscles and thus relieve pain.

Why does sport stop periods ?

In some cases, particularly among top-level sportswomen, physical activity can cause amenorrhea, i.e. a cessation of menstrual bleeding. In fact, the percentage of body fat and estrogen levels are so low in some sportswomen that their periods become irregular, and in some cases stop.

What sports can you do when you have periods ?

There are no activities to avoid during periods. Each person needs to listen to her own feelings. If you feel comfortable running for 10km, there's no particular problem. If you prefer to adopt a gentler solution like yoga, that's fine too. And if you prefer not to do any sports at all, that's up to you! Lhe important thing is to listen to yourself.


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