Pink period loss: symptoms, causes and solutions

In the middle of the cycle, pink discharge can be caused by spotting - this happens to almost 8% of women. When accompanied by burning sensations, itching or unpleasant odours, pink discharge can be a sign of infection. What should you do if you find traces of pink blood on your sanitary protection or panties?

What is pink discharge?

Pink discharge is small amounts of blood mixed with white discharge. It looks reddish or brown and has no odour. Vaginal discharge is generally observed around the time of menstruation, but can also appear at different times of the cycle. The color of menstruation and bleeding can usually be used to determine the origin of the color change.

In this case, the pinkish discharge may herald the onset of menstruation or indicate the end of menstruation. It can also be a sign of early pregnancy, miscarriage, ovarian cyst or endometritis (uterine infection).

Pink discharge at different stages of the menstrual cycle

Depending on its position in the menstrual cyclewomen may experience varying degrees of vaginal discharge. Light pink discharge can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the woman's menstrual cycle.

Before the onset of menstruation

Before the onset of menstruation, white or pink discharge is common. It's also possible for young girls to experience pink discharge before the arrival of their first period. At puberty, irregular blood loss is common, but don't hesitate to consult your doctor. Hormones in turmoil, particularly estrogen or progesterone, can lead to recurrent pink discharge and become one of the symptoms of chronic premenstrual syndrome.

During menstrual flow

During the menstrual period, and in particular at the start of the period, blood flows into the vagina in small quantities, and the flow is not abundant. When menstrual flow is very slow, the blood can even oxidize when it comes into contact with the air, turning brown. Nothing abnormal, rest assured!

After the end of your period

After the end of menstruationAfter your period is over, you may experience a spotting episode known as metrorrhagia. This small amount of blood may be linked to a hormonal imbalance, particularly when taking the pill or fitting a hormonal IUD. This is why premenopausal and menopausal women often tend to experience pink discharge before their periods have stopped.

Pink discharge and ovulation

During the ovulatory period, small amounts of pinkish bleeding may occur. This indicates that the ovarian follicle has just released an ovum for fertilization. The release of the ovum can sometimes cause vaginal bleeding. This bleeding heralds the ovulation and fertility phase for women. To make sure you're in the ovulation phase, observe

  • The appearance of your white discharge, which looks like uncooked egg white. This is cervical mucus.
  • Potential cramps in the lower abdomen, like period pains.
  • If your breasts are painful or heavy
  • If your body temperature changes

Pink discharge during pregnancy

If you know you're pregnant, consider that any bleeding is not normal. You should go to the emergency room or consult a gynecologist or midwife as soon as possible.

Bleeding during pregnancy is common. There can be several reasons for this, particularly in the first trimester. During pregnancy, the cervix closes up and is highly vascularized.

  • It may be an anniversary period
  • Signs that the embryo is clinging to the uterus. This is called implantation spotting.
  • bleeding after a gynaecological examination
  • bleeding after intercourse
  • signs of vaginal dryness
  • ectopic pregnancy

What are the special cases of pink discharge?

If you notice a pinkish discharge when wiping or in your panties, don't panic. Don't try any home remedies without the advice of a doctor or healthcare professional. Here are a few special cases that can cause small amounts of bleeding.

Pink discharge after intercourse

After sexual intercourse, a woman may experience some bleeding. In fact, rubbing of the sexes may cause irritation of the vaginal walls and light bleeding. This is perfectly normal, provided it is not repeated. During the sexual act, stimulation of the sexual organs increases arousal and vaginal lubrication. This vaginal lubrication by cyprine and white discharge will be more or less important. In the event of deep penetration or too violent a back-and-forth movement, secretions will not be sufficient to protect the vaginal walls.

Sexually transmitted infection or mycosis

To make sure you don't have a sexually transmitted infection, medical examinations are necessary. A pinkish discharge may indicate an infection, particularly a mycosis , in the following cases:

  • The discharge is thick and has a curdled-milk appearance.
  • Itching at the vaginal entrance or on the vulva
  • A burning sensation when urinating or peeing;
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • A swollen vulva

Possible signs of an ovarian cyst

Many women suffer from ovarian cysts linked to menstrual cycles or endometriosis , for example. These are small pockets of fluid attached to the ovaries.

In the case of functional cysts , there's a good chance they'll dissolve on their own. This is not the case with ovarian cysts linked to fibroids, polyps or endometriosis.

Here are a few signs that should prompt you to consult a doctor or healthcare professional to avoid ovarian torsion, which is a medical emergency:

  • appearance of vaginal secretion outside the menstrual period
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, sensation of heaviness
  • Pain when urinating
  • Pain during sexual intercourse

Is it necessary to treat pink discharge?

In most cases, pink discharge is not serious and is completely normal. As long as it's occasional, it disappears within a few days. However, you need to keep an eye on the symptoms to avoid any complications. If clear blood discharge is associated with pain, a change in smell or texture, you should consult your doctor and undergo screening to treat the cause.

Protecting yourself against pink discharge with menstrual panties

To feel as confident as possible every day of your cycle, opt for period protection that's tailored to your needs and comfort. The menstrual panties with their organic cotton composition , are perfect for all situations and protect you from a stain on your favorite skirt or pants!

FAQs on pink discharge

Why do I have pink discharge but no period?

It's possible to have pink discharge but no period if you're in the middle of your cycle. This is called spotting. It's a small amount of blood mixed with white discharge.

Is pink discharge a sign of pregnancy?

Pink discharge can be a sign of early pregnancy. In fact, nidation in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause light bleeding.

Is pink discharge normal during the menopause?

It's quite possible to experience pink discharge during the pre-menopausal and menopausal phases. This is due to hormonal imbalances and vaginal dryness. Don't hesitate to consult a health professional!

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