Peeing in the diaper: how to change your baby?

In collaboration with Rokiyah Hosen

Relecture professionnelle

Diaper-changing is a stage that every parent goes throughIt usually takes place between the ages of two and three, before your child starts kindergarten.

How often does baby pee in his diaper?

On average, you'll need to change your baby 5 to 6 times a day (depending of course on his age). Since baby needs to be changed as soon as his diaper is dirty, we recommend that you check the condition of his diaper every three hours. In the first few months of life baby is changed at every feed.

There's no need to change your baby directly at night, unless he's crying, uncomfortable or leaking.

How do I change baby's diaper when he's peed?

To ensure that a diaper change goes smoothly, preparation is preparation is very important. It's essential to have everything you need to hand, because once baby is on the changing table, you'll always need to keep an eye on him and have one hand on his tummy to prevent him from falling over.

Preparing the equipment

The following equipment is required:

  • A clean diaper ;
  • A cleaning product such as liniment ;
  • A repairing and protective cream if your child is prone to diaper rash;
  • A garbage can to put your dirty diaper in;
  • A change of clothes in case of leaks.

If you've forgotten one of your child's belongings, don't leave your child unsupervised, take him in your arms and go with him to find what you're missing.

Steps to changing the diaper

Once you've gathered all your supplies, you can begin to changing your baby's diaper.

The first step is to remove your baby's bottom and pull his bodysuit up as high as possible on his back to prevent potential leaks. You can help by lifting your baby's bottom. On the other hand, do not undress your baby completely It's not necessary, and your baby could get cold.

Next, remove his dirty diaperroll it up on itself and and close it with the Velcro fasteners to prevent it from opening in the garbage can. Then clean your baby's bottom with a wipe or cotton pads containing liniment.

Once your baby's bottom is completely clean, make sure you thoroughly dry your baby's skin with light tapping motions (to avoid irritation). Then.., place your baby's clean diaper under his or her bottom with the Velcro fasteners on the back

If, during the diaper change, you notice that your baby's bottom is slightly red, apply repairing and protective cream.

Close the diaper making sure it's tight enough to prevent leaks, but not so tight that your baby ends up with red marks. A good way to tell if your baby's diaper is tight enough is to slip two fingers between the diaper and your baby's tummy. Now you can dress him!

Peeing in the diaper: should it be changed right away?

A simple rule : never allow urine or stools to remain in prolonged contact with your baby's bottom.. The risk is that he'll develop diaper rash. If you notice that he has peed, change him immediately (even if you've just put him in a clean diaper). We also recommend that you check the condition of his diaper every three hours or so.

When you change your baby's diaper, make sure you also clean your little one's genitals to prevent bacteria from proliferating. Always from front to back!

How to prevent pee leaks in the diaper?

To prevent pee leaks in the diaper, make sure you position the diaper correctly and tighten it sufficiently. Also check that the diaper is the right size.

FAQs on pee in the diaper

Why does pee leak through baby's diaper?

If your baby's diaper isn't the right size, it may leak. In this case, we recommend testing the next size up if baby is too tight, or going down a size if baby is swimming in his diaper.

How do I know if baby has peed in his diaper?

If your baby cries or you smell dampness in his diaper, it's highly likely that he's peed in it. If you're not sure, it's still a good idea to change the diaper. A damp environment is conducive to the growth of bacteria, which can lead to illness and infection.