How can I live better with PCOS?

Comment mieux vivre avec un SOPK ?

What is PCOS? How does it occur?

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a hormonal disorder that is currently the most common hormonal disease.

To find out more: What is polycystic ovary syndrome?

PCOS is caused by a hormonal imbalance. People with PCOS have an abnormal secretion of male hormones, i.e. androgens. As a result, no follicle is more dominant than another.

What are the consequences of PCOS?

PCOS causes a disruption of hormonal cycles. This can lead to slightly longer cycles, around 35 or 40 days. But it can also lead to an absence of menstrual periods, known as amenorrhea. And by definition, when you don't ovulate, this also has an impact on fertility, since there is no egg. Excessive male hormone secretion can also causeacne, heavy hair growth and hair loss. Metabolic disorders, i.e. insulin resistance, can also be observed in PCOS sufferers. This increases the risk of diabetes, overweight, high blood pressure and cardiovascular risk in the broadest sense. However, a person suffering from PCOS will not necessarily present all the symptoms listed above. Some will have only one, while others will have them all, and to a greater or lesser extent from one person to the next.

How to minimize sopk symptoms?

The important thing to remember is that symptoms can be exacerbated depending on your body mass index, but also your diet and physical activity. The more balanced your diet, the more your weight is regulated, the less you'll be bothered by symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

How can you predict your period when you have PCOS?

It's obvious that not knowing when your period is going to arrive is a handicap in everyday life, since it can happen at any time, in a sometimes delicate situation. The first piece of advice we can give you is to observe your body. Your body speaks to you. You can observe your vaginal discharge. Cervical mucus tends to become thicker, more abundant and more elastic around the time of ovulation. The trick is to take note, for several months at a time, when you notice changes in your body. Maybe you'll notice a change in your discharge at the moment of ovulation, so that on average 14 days later you'll have your period. But it could be other observations. For example, some people feel that they are ovulating in their lower abdomen.

We'd like to remind you that Elia menstrual briefs are here to help you feel more serene during your period and every day of your cycle.

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