How to manage insomnia during pregnancy?

How to manage insomnia during pregnancy?

Pregnancy has its share of little inconveniences, and sleep problems are one of them! Insomnia during pregnancy is quite common among pregnant women, whether at the beginning, in the middle or at the end (depending on the individual, of course). Would you like to understand the causes of insomnia during pregnancy? What are the solutions for getting back to restful sleep (and getting a good night's sleep before baby arrives)? Elia tells you all about it.

Why does pregnancy cause insomnia?

Pregnancy is no easy ride for the mother-to-be! Between hormonal fluctuations, bodily changes, digestive discomforts due to the pressure of the uterus on the stomach, and the stress of baby's arrival, it's hardly surprising that a pregnant woman's sleep can be disturbed. What causes insomnia? It all depends on the period you're in.

Early pregnancy: 1st trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period during which the pregnant woman's body undergoes its first physical changes, and above all, major hormonal fluctuations. Estrogen and progesterone are boiling over, bringing with them a whole host of related symptoms, including night-time awakenings and difficulty falling asleep. What's more, if you're prone to late-afternoonnausea, it can interfere with falling asleep, as can waking nausea, which can stop you dead in your tracks! In fact, insomnia is most common during the 1st trimester.

Mid-pregnancy: the 2nd trimester

During the 2nd trimester, sleep disturbances are generally less frequent, but of course this depends on the individual woman! If, however, you are one of those women who continue to have trouble sleeping, this may be due to stress (the famous one), but also to changes in your body.

The reason? Larger, more painful Larger, more painful breasts Pregnancycan bring about physical changes that can make certain positions uncomfortable. If you're used to falling asleep on your stomach, for example, this position is no longer really suitable!

Late pregnancy: the 3rd trimester

At the end of pregnancy, sleep disorders are back with a vengeance in many pregnant women! The cause? Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which affects a number of women at the end of pregnancy. The uterus is at its maximum size, and its volume presses on the stomach, making digestion difficult and causing these unpleasant refluxes. Not forgetting, of course, the incessant need to urinate, which doesn't make for a peaceful night's sleep! As for body changes, they can be all the more troublesome when it comes to finding the ideal sleeping position.

What are the symptoms of insomnia during pregnancy?

Pregnancy insomnia symptoms are linked to their cause! Generally speaking, they include difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night with difficulty getting back to sleep (sometimes caused by urges to sleep), waking up very early in the morning (due to nausea in particular), and consequent fatigue during the day (irritability, heightened sensitivity, emotions in a mess, etc.). Some also experience "hot flashes" with excessive perspiration at night, which can also disrupt sleep.

How can pregnant women get back to sleep?

A good night's sleep is obviously essential if we are to get through this period without accumulating additional fatigue. Fortunately, there are solutions (both medicinal and natural) to combat insomnia .

Medical treatment: Donormyl®

One of the best-known medical treatments for fast, effective treatment of insomnia is Donormyl®. This over-the-counter treatment contains an antihistamine that acts as a sedative. It reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and improves sleep duration and quality . Donormyl® is used to treat occasional insomnia in adults, but unlike conventional sleeping pills, it is considered more of a sedative. Its advantage: it is not habit-forming or physically addictive, but it's best not to make it a systematic reflex over the long term. Don't hesitate to ask your doctor for advice.

Natural sleeping pills: homeopathy and aromatherapy

Natural sleep aids include homeopathy and aromatherapy.

In homeopathy, to put an end to middle-of-the-night awakenings, you can take Aconitum napellus. For sleep difficulties linked to chronic exhaustion, homeopathic doctors recommend Argentum nitricum (3 times a day). For anxiety-related sleep disorders, we recommend Gelsemium sempervirens 9CH. Here again, homeopathy is a possibility, but there is no scientific proof of its efficacy.

As for aromatherapy, lavender and ylang-ylang essential oils are appreciated for their relaxing effect: they can help you fall asleep more easily (a few drops on the wrist, temple or pillow!). But a word of warning: not all essential oils are recommended for use during pregnancy.

Choose a comfortable AND customizable pillow

With a large belly, it's sometimes difficult to find a good sleeping position, so a cervical pillow is ideal for maintaining good alignment between the spine and the nape of the neck. Of course, a pillow for pregnant women must also be very comfortable. There's nothing more relaxing than resting your head on a soft pillow during pregnancy. At Wopilo, for example, you'll find a range ofcomfortable, customizable pillows. Firm or soft? Thick or thin? The choice is yours (and baby's)!

A pregnancy pillow for sleeping

You've probably seen the maternity pillow on many gift lists for mothers-to-be? Unsurprisingly, it's a very useful maternity accessory, both to make the breastfeeding position comfortable, and during pregnancy, to lean back or lie down comfortably. They come in all colors and for all tastes, and we've been told that it's not unusual to see daddy snapping them up!

Habits for better pregnancy management

Certain habits and routines can be very helpful in avoiding sleep disorders! Here's our advice:

  • When it comes to eating, opt for several normal meals at fixed times, rather than continuous snacking or an overly rich meal in the evening, which can disrupt sleep;
  • Remember to drink enough water every day (at least 1.5 liters), avoiding concentrating it all at the end of the day (to avoid night-time cravings);
  • Don't hesitate to take a short nap after lunch (20 to 30 minutes);
  • Go to bed and get up at set times, to establish a regular cycle and get your body used to it!

Does insomnia stop after childbirth?

While insomnia during pregnancy is fairly common, it can also persist even after childbirth. The first, and most obvious, reason for this is multiple awakenings to breastfeed or bottle-feed the baby. Several studies show that insomnia after childbirth can also be a sign of post-partum depression: keep a close eye on this after baby's arrival!


Pregnancy insomnia FAQ from l

How to relieve insomnia during pregnancy?

They can be alleviated in a number of ways, whether through a medicinal solution (e.g. Donormyl®), natural solutions (aromatherapy, homeopathy) or through habits that can be incorporated into daily life to help restore healthy, restorative sleep (a well-balanced diet spread throughout the day, naps in the early afternoon, gentle physical activity, etc.). If necessary, consult a doctor for advice.

When is insomnia most common during pregnancy?

Although the quality of sleep varies from one woman to another, it seems that insomnia is more frequent in early pregnancy (due to vomiting and hormonal fluctuations) and late pregnancy (due to physical changes, gastro-oesophageal reflux and the stress of childbirth).

Is insomnia a sign of pregnancy?

Insomnia can occur during pregnancy for a variety of reasons, but it's not a sign of early pregnancy! And fortunately, some women sleep very well throughout their pregnancy.

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