Nidation spotting: everything you need to know!

Nidation spotting is a fairly common phenomenon, affecting around 1 in 4 women. This bleeding occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy. This article explains what causes them.


What is nidation spotting?

In early pregnancy, you may experience some blood loss. This bleeding is very light, pinkish in color, and occurs when the egg implants in the uterine lining, also known as the endometrium.

Once fertilized, the egg reaches the uterus via the Fallopian tubes. Once in the uterus, it needs to implant itself in the uterine mucosa, which, under the action of hormones, is gorged with blood. Once there, the egg must work its way into the uterus, receiving nutrients for the next 9 months of development.

However, during implantation of the egg in the mucous membrane, blood vessels may be affected, causing some vaginal bleeding. This bleeding is very light and punctual.

When can implantation bleeding occur?

Blood loss due to deprivation, also known as spotting or metrorrhagia of early pregnancy and implantation spotting, occur around 6 to 12 days after fertilization. They are completely benign and affect 1 in 4 women.

How can you tell the difference between nidation spotting and other bleeding disorders?

Many other kinds of blood loss can occur during a woman's life. But how do you tell them apart?

Ovulation spotting

The ovulation spotting occurs around the 14th day, with hormonal changes and the release of the ovum. It does not affect all women - only 5% are affected. What can help you differentiate ovulation spotting from implantation spotting is the timing. If the spotting occurs around the 14th day of your cycle, it's much more likely to be ovulation than implantation.

Menstrual flow of periods

It's pretty easy to tell the difference between menstrual flow from periods and implantation spotting. In fact, nidation spotting is just a few drops of blood, whereas menstrual flow is much more abundant.

The color of discharge should also alert you: during implantation, discharge is clear, pinkish, but not bright red like at periods. In addition, implantation bleeding does not last very long: it can last from a few hours to a maximum of three days.


When you're planning to get pregnant and you're subject to bleeding of unknown origin, it's easy to panic. But don't worry: miscarriage discharge is easily recognizable by its abundance. It's more like menstrual flow. The spotting is, once again, very light

However, if you have any doubts about your blood loss, if it is heavy or lasts a long time, consult your doctor.

What are the symptoms of nidation bleeding?

Nidation bleeding is the first sign of pregnancy. However, it is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as : 

  • sudden and severe fatigue ;
  • stomach pains like cramps;
  • sensitive, swollen breasts;
  • transit disturbance;
  • Nausea;
  • disgust for certain foods;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • frequent urination;
  • mood swings;
  • high body temperature;

All these symptoms are due to major hormonal changes. 

How can I prevent nidation spotting?

Not all women experience blood loss during implantation. But for those who do, it can be a good idea to wear menstrual briefs. Menstrual panties for light flows enable you to protect yourself during your periods. They're an alternative to the disposable sanitary protection lwe know as panty liners or sanitary towels.

Made from organic cotton, they are non-irritating to the intimate area, free from endocrine disruptors and harmful chemicals.  

When should I take a pregnancy test after a nidation spotting?

Although blood loss is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, it is not irrefutable proof of pregnancy. To be sure, we recommend a pregnancy test. This test can confirm whether or not s'it's nidation bleeding, and that a pregnancy is indeed underway.

However, nidation spotting occurs well before the expected date of periods, 6 to 12 days after fertilization. In fact, it's recommended that you only take a pregnancy test once you've noticed a delay in periods. Why is this? Pregnancy tests using blood or urine samples detect the hCG hormone, but this hormone is not produced until the 8th day after fertilization. It is initially produced in very small quantities, but gradually increases. For this reason, it is advisable to wait at least 14 days after intercourse to ensure that the hormone is present in sufficient quantity to avoid giving a false test result.

There are also early pregnancy tests that can be carried out before the expected date of periods, up to 6 days before, i.e. around the same time as implantation bleeding. Note that the reliability of these tests is lower than that of conventional tests.

Is it necessary to consult a doctor in the event of implantation bleeding?

There's no need to consult your doctor if you're sure that your implantation blood loss is spotting. To be sure, all you need to do is look at the amount of blood you lose (it should be just a few drops), its color (which should be light, pinkish) and its duration. Implantation bleeding lasts only a few days, 3 at most. SIf it persists, consult your doctor, midwife or gynecologist.

Nidation spotting FAQ

How can s'ensure that my bleeding is nidation spotting?

Nidation can sometimes be confused with ovulation, the onset of menstrual flow or miscarriage. To be sure it's a nidation spotting, you need to look at the amount of blood lost, its duration and color, as well as any associated symptoms. Nidus spotting never results in a heavy flow, lasts only a few days (3 maximum) and is never as bright red as the blood of periods.

Is nidation spotting a sign of successful fertilization?

Nidation spotting occurs when the fertilized egg attempts to descend into the uterus, via the fallopian tubes, until it implants in the endometrium. Implantation bleeding is not a bad sign: it indicates that a pregnancy is underway and that fertilization has taken place.

Should I be sconcerned if the nidation spotting lasts several days?

Nidation spotting lasts from a few hours to a few days, 3 maximum. If bleeding lasts longer, consult your doctor. The same applies if the bleeding becomes more and more abundant, if the color varies or if you have associated symptoms other than those mentioned in this article.