Grandma's remedies and natural solutions for periods severe pain

Painful periods can be a daily handicap for many women, regardless of the flow. Sometimes we want to try natural solutions first, before considering drug treatments. periods very painful: how can grandma's recipes help? Which natural remedy to adopt? We give you some effective tips in this article!


periods very painful: which women are affected?

First of all, it's important to remember that painful and disabling periods are not normal. It's common to experience mild discomfort and pain in the days leading up to and during menstruation, but this doesn't have to be torture. The periods painful periods are called dysmenorrhea. The pain is caused by an excess of a hormone called prostaglandin. This hormone triggers the uterine contractions that expel the mucous membrane during periods. Menstrual pain is common in the first few months following the onset of blood loss, in adolescence. This is what we call primary dysmenorrhea.
But sometimes, the causes can be other: endometriosis, chronic genital infection, ovarian disorders, hormonal disorders, or uterine polyps... In this case, it's secondary dysmenorrhea, which appears because of an illness, in adulthood.

Our 7 grandma's remedies for painful periods

Since every woman's life can be filled with periods painful periods, it's important to know these grandmotherly tips that can change your life! Yes, there are natural remedies for painful periods!

Herbal teas

Herbal teas as a gentle alternative to medication work very well to reduce the pain associated with menstrual flow. You can also consume a teaspoon in a cup of hot water just before your periods, during PMS to relieve discomfort. Among the most effective herbal teas and leaf infusions, well known to our grandmothers, are these plants with different properties:

  • Lsage infusion, renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. It helps reduce menstrual pain and regulate irregular cycles.
  • Lhe raspberry leaf infusion helps relieve cramps and spasms caused by uterine contractions during periods. You can drink up to 3 cups a day before and during periods.
  • Yarrow infusion. This plant contains antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing components.

Chooseorganic herbal teas: it's better for your health, and you avoid endocrine disruptors that can cause hormonal imbalances, which can also accentuate pain! You can also add honey or ginger for a comforting drink.

Essential oils

The use of essential oils is called aromatherapy. Oils have different virtues and properties. You can use them in a massage (e.g. of the lower abdomen) or in a hot bath. Essential oils are preferred:

  • Tarragon
  • Clary sage
  • Of basil

Playing a sport

Although one might be led to believe the opposite, sport actually has many benefits against periods pain. In fact, sport activates blood circulation, which helps to oxygenate muscles. What's more, sport releases endorphins, the famous hormones lresponsible for the feeling of well-being, which relieve pain.
There's no need to force yourself to run a marathon during your menstrual period: a session of yoga or pilates is more than enough. This will help you to relax your muscles and achieve relaxation by concentrating on your breathing.

Regular sexual activity

In the same way as practising a sport, against painful periods , sexual activity, and in particular orgasm, is a natural remedy. In fact, it relieves cramps and even migraines linked to periods. There is no contraindication to sexual intercourse during these periods. Be careful, however, as the presence of blood increases the risk of STDs and STIs, so be sure to protect yourself during menstrual discharge!

Hot water bottle or hot bath

Heat also relieves pelvic pain. Heat dilates blood vessels, increasing oxygen supply and relaxing uterine muscles.
You can do this by taking a hot bath with essential oils or by using hot-water bottles, a technique well known to our grandmothers. Natural dry hot-water bottles, for example, are practical, as all you have to do is heat them up for 2 minutes in the microwave. A light massage of the lower abdomen can also help relieve contractions.

A good night's sleep

During menstruation, sleep is all the more important for the body. It helps combat fatigue, which can aggravate periods symptoms. Similarly, restful sleep combats hormonal imbalances, which can also exacerbate pain.

A healthy and varied diet

A natural way to combat pain at periods is to watch your diet. Avoid at all costs inflammatory foods containing refined sugar, red meat, highly processed foods, etc. Instead, opt for a balanced, varied diet rich in minerals. In fact, some studies show that people who eat a diet rich in minerals have less menstrual pain. You can also opt for foods such as dried fruit, and avoid alcohol, soft drinks, coffee, etc. And drink plenty of water!

What if natural solutions don't work?

If, despite all these tips and remedies, your pain persists, contact your doctor, gynecologist or midwife. Only a medical professional can diagnose the cause of your pain. There are many possible causes, including endometriosis. Remember, it's not normal to feel pain during your menstrual cycle, and you shouldn't let it interfere with your daily routine.


Lanemia linked to periods is quite common. It will cause symptoms that are more or less disabling in everyday life. If your menstrual flow is too heavy, or even hemorrhagic, consult your doctor! This may conceal an underlying pathology.

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