Is it safe to drink alcohol during periods ?

It's kick-off time for your periods week, and you're either having a party or craving your favorite alcoholic beverage. Is it a good idea to drink alcohol when you're periods ? What impact does it have on your cycle and your well-being?



What are the effects of alcohol on periods ?

If you decide to drink alcohol during your periods, do so safely and without excess. Under these conditions, drinking alcoholic beverages will probably not have a serious impact on your menstrual cycle, your periods and your fertility. We'll see how alcohol consumption at different times in your cycle can affect your body.

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal in 2018, alcoholic beverages impact and worsen PMS - the premenstrual syndrome

In fact, several studies show that alcohol consumption affects hormones. Alcohol has a direct impact on estrogen, testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels.

Worsening of premenstrual syndrome

Alcohol will have an impact on female hormones, and thus play a role in the serological markers that trigger symptoms just before the arrival of periods , but also during periods. Thus, alcohol consumption will accentuate the overall effect:

  • Menstrual cramps in the lower abdomen
  • Breast tenderness and pain
  • Difficulty falling asleep and getting back to sleep s
  • A capricious and difficult transit
  • Headaches, migraines (cephalalgia)
  • Disturbed mood, feelings of stress, sadness or anxiety

Increased hormone levels

Alcohol affects hormone levels during the different phases of the menstrual cycle. In fact, hormonal differences have been observed:

  • An increase in androgens during the follicular phase
  • An increase in estrogen during ovulation, which is maintained throughout the second half of the cycle

Some research evidence suggests that low and moderate alcohol consumption may delay menopause. As a reminder, hormonal effects have not been demonstrated with moderate alcohol consumption.

How does alcohol consumption affect the menstrual cycle?

Drinking alcohol regularly or without moderation can affect not only your periods but also your menstrual cycle. Here's a list of symptoms you may experience:

  • A periods irregular or amenorrhea: Increased levels of estrogen and testosterone, the hormones essential for ovulation, will lead to irregular periods or an absence of absence of periods for several cycles.
  • Stomach aches: Alcohol-induced dehydration can aggravate menstrual cramps.
  • Cravings: One of the symptoms of PMS is a tenfold increase in hunger due to dehydration.
  • Fatigue during the luteal phases: Alcohol has a depressant effect, which slows down your central nervous system. Since alcohol often contains a lot of sugar, it can cause blood sugar levels to plummet. Secondly, alcohol consumption has an effect on sleep and reduces the quality of your rest.
  • Mood changes: Alcohol during the luteal phase can accentuate feelings of highs and lows. You may be very cheerful and in a good mood in the evening, or feel very sad and experience feelings similar to those of depression or anxiety.
  • Fertility: Several studies show that drinking more than 10 glasses a week could have a major impact on fertility and your chances of conceiving a baby.

Is it possible to have a few drinks at periods ?

As we've seen, alcohol has undesirable effects if consumed without moderation. However, it is perfectly possible to drink alcohol during periods whenever you feel like it. Bear in mind that, depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, alcohol can have more or less undesirable effects and impact on your usual pain and symptoms. Try to plan your evenings every week according to the phases of your cycle, which are as follows:

  • The menstrual phase: at this time, your estrogen and progesterone levels drop.
  • The follicular phase: this is when your periods ends and your estrogen levels rise again.
  • Ovulation: during this period, estrogen is at its peak. Ovulation precedes the onset of PMS.
  • The luteal phase: it's during this phase that you'll experience the famous premenstrual syndrome.

Our tips for drinking alcohol at periods !

It is possible (although not recommended) to drink alcohol during your periods ! The main thing is to stay well hydrated to avoid dehydration, which could worsen PMS symptoms. So here's a little advice: between each drink, drink a glass of water. Your body will thank you the next morning, and you can even apply this advice when you don't have your periods ! Of course, when it comes to alcohol, moderation is always the key word.


The FAQ of alcohol and periods

Why not drink alcohol at periods ?

Alcohol consumption can have an impact on hormones and therefore on the menstrual cycle. Excessive consumption can delay periods or cause amenorrhea - absence of periods.

Does alcohol thin the blood at periods ?


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