Spotting during ovulation: everything you need to know!

Are you experiencing light bleeding even though your periods are not due for another two weeks? This is called spotting. 


What is spotting during ovulation?

Ovulation is a natural phenomenon, generally occurring around day 14 of the cycle for women not taking hormonal contraception. For most women, ovulation occurs unnoticed, but some women may experience mild symptoms during ovulation. 

These can include pain in the lower abdomen, a change in the appearance of the white discharge: it can become more elastic, transparent and egg-white in appearance, and sometimes a slight discharge of blood, more commonly known as spotting

They can sometimes be confused with periods. It is estimated thataround 5% of women experience spotting during ovulation. However, spotting discharges are different from menstrual flow. They are less abundant and most of the time darker. It's also possible toovulate during periodsalthough this is rare!

Why does bleeding occur during ovulation?

Bleeding occurs during ovulation for a very specific reason: it's due to the expulsion of the oocyte (or future ovum) from the ovarian follicle. During this release, the follicle ruptures abruptly in the ovary, which can lead to bleeding, called spotting

Blood loss during ovulation may also be due to major hormonal fluctuations during this period: during ovulation, progesterone levels rise to support and strengthen the endometrium. But if this level isn't high enough when estrogen production falls, then light bleeding can occur.

This can be a sign of ovulation to take into account when calculating your cycle.

Is ovulation spotting a cause for concern? s

Spotting during ovulation is a perfectly natural phenomenon that occurs in some women. The duration and abundance of spotting varies from woman to woman, but it should never last more than a few days or be too abundant. Otherwise, it may be a sign of an underlying pathology.

If regular bleeding heavier than spotting occurs outside the menstrual period, it's best to consult a specialist to smake sure there's no underlying cause.

Differentiating between ovulation bleeding and other bleeding disorders

Bleeding may occur at different times during the cycle.

Ovulation spotting and implantation spotting

The implantation spotting also known as implantation haemorrhage, differs from ovulation spotting in that it occurs in the second half of the cycle. It occurs 6 to 12 days after fertilization. Nidation corresponds to the moment when the egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus, whereas before it was in the fallopian tube. Nidation spotting lasts no more than 1 to 2 days. It should not be confused with periods. Nidation bleeding is generally lighter in color.

About one in 4 pregnancies will have a spotting during implantation. This can be a sign of pregnancy! Don't worry: nidation discharge is not a sign of pregnancy complications.

There are also pregnancy losses: these are spottings that occur every month during the first 3 months of pregnancy, on the expected date of periods. They're also known as periods . Again, don't worry, this bleeding has no impact on the progress of the pregnancy.

However, if you notice heavier, longer-lasting bleeding, consult your doctor, midwife or gynaecologist.

Ovulation bleeding and periods

Spotting should not be confused with periods. 

Spotting is bleeding that lasts only a few days (1 or 2) and is very light. Spotting occurs 14 days before the expected arrival of periods. Here's how not to confuse ovulation bleeding with menstruation.

How to prevent ovulation spotting?

In the event of spotting, even if the flow is only a few drops s, it may be worth protecting your underwear to avoid staining it.

The period pants is an excellent solution for spotting. It absorbs and protects you at different times of your cycle, and can also be used in the event of heavy white discharge, for example.

Is it necessary to consult a doctor about bleeding during ovulation?

There's no need to consult a doctor in the event of spotting, as bleeding during ovulation is not serious. However, in certain cases, such as :

  • SThey last more than ten days;
  • If you bleed regularly ;
  • If you experience pain or cramps ;
  • If you have had unprotected sex.

Consult your doctor or healthcare professional. Only your doctor will be able to suggest a suitable treatment or check-ups to smake sure there is no pathology.

Ovulation spotting FAQ

Is it normal to bleed during ovulation?

Around 5% of women experience blood loss during ovulation. Spotting during ovulation is normal and not cause for alarm if the bleeding is light and punctual, lasting 1 or 2 days. If bleeding is heavy and lasts ten days or more, consult a specialist.

What are the other symptoms of spotting during ovulation?

Other symptoms may occur with or without the losses, such as :

  • Slight pain in one side of the lower abdomen
  • Tension in the lower abdomen or lower back
  • A feeling of fullness
  • An increase in libido
  • A change in cervical mucus, which becomes more abundant and transparent like egg whites
  • An increase in body temperature, especially when waking up in the morning