Baby's growth spurt: we explain!

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The first months and years of a baby's life are punctuated by growth peaks. But what is a growth spurt? How do they manifest themselves? We explain in this article.


What is a growth peak?

Growth peak, peak day, growth spurt, etc. These are all terms used to describe periods when your baby's development s'accelerates. Your baby will grow, gain weight and ask to eat more frequently. Growth spurts are particularly noticeable for breast-feeding mothers, who will find that their little one is demanding to go to the breast much more often.

These are episodes that will and punctuate your baby's daily routine. at different times and at different intervals. The peaks last an average of 2 to 48 hours. They may last longer (up to 5 days, for example). Obviously, as baby grows, it will be necessary to buy him new clothes and diapers. In fact, the choice of diaper size is important, as a snug-fitting diaper reduces leaks and keeps baby dry.

At what age do growth peaks occur?

Several growth peaks take place at different ages. To help you understand, we've outlined below the times of life when your baby's growth spurt is most likely to occur.

Peak growth in infants

The infant's first growth peak occurs around the 7th or 10th day of life. From then on, the next growth spurts appear generally every 3 weeks. This may vary for each child.

Peak growth around three weeks

This is followed by another growth peak around the 3rd week of life. Following this event, at around three weeks of age, the time between peaks increases progressively, to reach around 6 weeksand then further apart.

Growth peaks in babies (3 months/6 months)

The next growth peaks occur at 3 and 6 months. Then at 9 months. Even after a year, your baby may experience several more growth peaks.

Knowing the most likely ages at which your baby may experience growth spikes to better anticipate symptoms. However, these peaks can also occur without very precise dates.

What are the symptoms of a growth spurt?

There are several signs that your baby is going through a growth spurt.

  • Your child asks for food more often This can be seen in crying, restlessness, etc. Your child's appetite is increasing, but the rhythm of milk production takes longer to adapt to demand if you're breastfeeding, so he won't be satiated and will demand more often;
  • Your baby's mood changes Your baby's grumpiness may be a sign of a growth spurt. If your baby's behavior changes, reassure him by increasing contact with his mother;
  • Sleep rhythm Your baby's sleep rhythm is disrupted by his growing appetite and frequent feedings. So, if your baby has recently been getting a full night's sleep, it's possible that a growth spurt is disrupting all this. Fortunately, this is only temporary.

What to do when growth peaks

Growth peaks can sometimes be difficult to cope with. Fortunately, there are several tips

Calming him down

The first thing to do is try to calm your baby. How do you calm him down? We've got a few ideas: 

  • Taking a bath The combination of the sound of water, warm water and skin-to-skin contact will tend to calm and reassure your baby.
  • Give him his pacifier A pacifier can help satisfy the need for sucking, as the desire to suck increases during a growth spurt.
  • Play quiet music or white noise to capture his attention. to capture his attention, lsoothe and reassure him.

During growth spurts, babies need needs to be surrounded. Stay close to him. It may also take longer for him to fall asleep in the evening: here again, continue to reassure him.

Peak growth and breastfeeding

During a growth peak, milk production will naturally adapt to your baby's needs. It will be higher to match your baby's demand. The body is a well-constructed organism, and many factors can vary during breastfeeding: quantity, quality, color, percentage of fat, water, antibodies, nutrients, etc...

During a growth spurt, you need to trust your baby and feed him as much as he wants. During these periods, baby expends much more energy and therefore needs to eat more.

It can sometimes be trying for mothers who go through periods known as "cluster feeds".cluster feeds"Keep in mind that this is a temporary, transitional period. Bear in mind that this is a temporary, transitional period. Don't hesitate to ask for help around you at these times, for example by preparing meals in advance, or by creating a quiet space where you can breastfeed in peace and quiet. And don't hesitate to use lanolin on your breasts if necessary to soothe them.

Growth spurt and bottle feeding

If you're bottle-feeding your baby, the principle is the same as for breast-feeding: you need to listen to your baby your baby's need to be fed.

Your little one will also have a greater need to suck: you can give him a pacifier to relieve this.


In conclusion, growth peaks are crucial stages in your baby's development during his first year. Having explored the mechanisms of growth peaks in babies, it's clear that these developmental phases can vary from one child to the next. Each week brings new discoveries and unique challenges for parents. Their children's weight gain and height growth are essential indicators of their health and well-being throughout the year. The sound advice of a pediatrician can be invaluable in navigating these busy times. Lactation management, especially for mothers, remains at the forefront of maternal concerns, sometimes requiring additional support to maintain optimal health levels. A well-established schedule of visits to the pediatrician can help keep a close eye on maternal development and provide advice on how to manage these hectic times. Ultimately, maternal and infant health and well-being remain a priority, with attention paid to every detail of this exciting maternal period.

FAQs on baby growth peaks

What are the signs of peak growth?

Growth spurt can occur in a number of ways, but is most often seen in the increased number of feedings and a growing appetite.

When are growth peaks?

There are many growth peaks in the first moments of a baby's life. The first often occurs between the 7th and 10th day. Thereafter, as the baby grows, the growth peaks will s'become less frequent.


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