Pregnancy mask or chloasma: how to avoid it?

Masque de grossesse ou chloasma : comment l’éviter ?

Pregnancy mask (chloasma or melasma) is a common skin condition in pregnant women, manifested by the appearance of small brown spots on the face. It seems that pregnancy mask is more common in women with darker or matte skin! Why brown spots? How can they be avoided? Are there any solutions? Elia explains it all!

What is a pregnancy mask?

Pregnancy mask is a very common skin condition among pregnant women! It manifests itself as brown spots, often symmetrical, mainly on the face, but also on the neck, arms and legs during pregnancy. The spots are generally light to dark brown in color, and can vary in size and shape. Melasma or chloasma occurs in 10-15% of pregnant women!

Why do dark spots appear during pregnancy?

At present, the exact causes of pregnancy mask are not fully understood, but it is known that pregnancy hormones, in particular estrogen, play an important role in their appearance!

Skin pigmentation is also intensified during pregnancy, which can contribute to the formation of brown spots. This is why women with darker skin also have a higher risk of developing a pregnancy mask, as melanin concentration increases during this period. But environmental factors, such as exposure to the sun without sun protection, can also encourage these brown spots. If you see them appearing, it's important to consult a dermatologist for a precise diagnosis and appropriate treatment advice.

What can I do to prevent the appearance of a pregnancy mask?

Although pregnancy mask is not a "serious" condition, it's true that these spots can be somewhat embarrassing! But there are a few things you can do to prevent them from appearing...

Moisturize and nourish your skin

Is moisturizing the key to healthy skin? As we all know, sufficiently nourished skin is the key to avoiding dullness, imperfections and dryness. But properly moisturized skin also helps prevent the appearance of these imperfections. To hydrate the skin, remember to apply a moisturizing cream morning and night, as well as after every shower, to dry, cleansed skin.

To keep skin hydrated, it's equally important to drink enough water (at least 1.5 liters a day!) .

Use adequate sun protection

Since pregnancy mask spots are linked to increased skin pigmentation, the use of sun protection is clearly justified! As we all know, the sun can have truly harmful effects on the skin, and many commercial day creams have an SPF of 15 or even 30.

During pregnancy, it's therefore advisable to limit the amount of time you spend in the sun, to avoid exposure during peak hours (between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.), to wear protective clothing and hats, and of course to apply sun protection every day, even on cloudy days, summer and winter alike. Remember to choose a sun cream with a high protection factor (minimum 30) and apply it every two hours.

How do I remove pregnancy mask stains?

Although pregnancy spots are not dangerous (nor do they last forever, since they disappear with the arrival of baby), they can be unsightly and embarrassing for the women concerned. Fortunately, there are a number of options for treating pregnancy mask and removing spots.

Natural solutions

Natural solutions for removing pregnancy mask spots include lemon juice or essential oil, apple cider vinegar or emu oil. A little tip: lemon essential oil can be mixed with your night cream to gradually reduce pigmentation spots.

While you're waiting for the pregnancy mask to disappear on its own after baby's arrival, a concealer stick or a little BB cream will do just as much to reduce them! At the same time, we recommend a diet rich in vitamin C and vitamin B9 to prevent the appearance of new spots!

Medical treatments

In terms of medical treatments, superficial depigmenting peels eliminate the superficial layers of the skin, thus reducing the appearance of pregnancy mask spots. This technique, performed by a dermatologist, involves the application of depigmenting treatments to "rid" the epidermis of its superficial layers.

Laser or pulsed light (techniques that "burn" the pigment present in the skin) can also help reduce spots. However, this type of treatment must be carried out by a dermatologist!

Other treatments include creams or serums based on kojic acid, ascorbic acid or hydroquinone, or azelaic acid combined with 3% glycolic acid.

Pregnancy mask FAQ

Does the mask of pregnancy disappear naturally?

Have you noticed the appearance of spots on your face or neck? Has a dermatologist confirmed that it's a pregnancy mask? Don't panic: this hyperpigmentation of the epidermis generally diminishes and disappears on its own between 1 and 3 months after giving birth!

Which cream should I buy to reduce the appearance of a pregnancy mask?

Some creams, such as depigmenting creams (available over-the-counter from chemists), can help reduce the spots caused by the pregnancy mask, and should be applied daily to the face. Some brands, such as Daylily's Radiant Cream SPF50, offer special creams for pregnancy masks.

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