Why do I have digestive problems during my periods ?

Why do I have digestive problems during my periods ?

At lperiodsit's not uncommon for women to experience digestive and intestinal problems and constipation, followed by a strong resumption of transit during the periods period, sometimes resulting in diarrhoea and gas. These digestive problems are caused by lthe action of two hormones: progesterone and prostaglandin. This is why digestive problems are so common during the menopause. 


What causes digestive and intestinal disorders during periods ?


Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries during the menstrual cycle. Its levels increase throughout the cycle, peaking just before the arrival of periods. One of the effects of this hormone increase can be constipation or a general discomfort known as "intestinal stress". Progesterone alters the muscular contractions that move food through the intestine, causing constipation. Progesterone levels then fall sharply at the start of the periods, causing transit to resume rapidly as muscular contractions resume.


Prostaglandin plays an important role in digestive and intestinal disorders in the run-up to periods , since unlike progesterone, prostaglandin has an effect onuterine contractions, which are designed to evacuate the uterine lining during periods , which is shed in the absence of pregnancy. Although as yet unproven, the hypothesis is that uterine contraction signals are also sent to nearby digestive organs, notably the intestines. They would then need to evacuate in the same way as the uterus, which could explain diarrhoea, but also bloating and menstrual cramps.


What's more, as periods approaches, levels of other hormones increase. These include serotonin and oxytocin, which are thought to lead to greater mobility in the intestines, and therefore to diarrhoea.


The many hormonal changes therefore modify digestion rhythms, leading to greater gas accumulation during the menstrual period. Finally, hormonal fluctuations affect the bacteria present in the intestines, modifying their composition with each menstrual cycle. In particular, this affects bacterial fermentation, resulting in more odorous gas.


How to avoid digestive problems at periods ?


To avoid digestive problems during periods , a simple tip is to chew your food well and drink plenty of water.


Certain foods, such as dairy products or coffee, are particularly irritating during your periods. In people with regular gastrointestinal problems, they can cause intestinal problems. Avoiding them in the run-up to, or during, periods can help reduce the nuisance.


Limiting stress, regular exercise, fiber and a light diet can also help reduce digestive problems, especially constipation. If you suffer from diarrhea, opt for starchy foods. If you experience flatulence, avoid soft drinks and foods such as cabbage or beans.


You can also supplement your diet with probiotics to improve your intestinal flora at this time, or eat fermented foods to help produce good bacteria.


As for natural solutions, loregano essential oil capsules, thyme tea or sage infusions to reduce stomach ache and improve digestion work very well.


Finally, you can keep a food diary during the cycle to help you identify your ailments and adapt your consumption during your periods.


If these disorders are disabling in everyday life, or are accompanied by other symptoms, we advise you to consult a doctor. SIf they appear several years after the first periods , this could be a sign of endometriosis.


To make the most of your periods period, you can always wear our menstrual panties!


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