Hypopressive: benefits during menstruation?

L'hypopressif : des bienfaits pendant les règles ?
In collaboration with Estelle Bertrand, Physiotherapist

Relecture professionnelle

What is hypopressive?

Hypopressive is a technique used in abdominal rehabilitation, particularly in the post-partum period. It can also be used for lower back pain, postural problems, back problems, abdominal problems, etc. It's a technique that combines a precise breathing rhythm with apneas, such as stomach vacuum, and precise chained postures.

How can hypopressive therapy benefit menstruating women?

Dysmenorrhoea, which is pain during menstruation, can be short-lived, lasting two or three days, or last for the whole cycle. If they are present throughout your cycle, you should consult your doctor. Very often, the pain is linked to adhesions between the uterus and the viscera around it. These pains can be disabling in everyday life, but there are natural solutions to relieve them.

How can I practice hypopressive therapy when I'm on my period?

To practice hypopressive therapy, you need to see a trained professional. To reduce pain during menstruation, you can practice cardiac coherence, to enjoy the benefits of slow, deep breathing. You can also use abdominal massage to restore movement to the viscera, and stomach vacuum to increase blood flow to the abdomen and reduce adhesions.

Can hypopressive treatment be performed alone?

It's best to be supervised by professionals, because the breathing rhythm will vary according to the patient's respiratory capacity. On your own, however, you can practice cardiac coherence: this breathing technique helps you to relax, thereby reducing pain.

What are the benefits of hypopressure during menstruation?

If you're bloated, hypopressives will improve transit and limit bloating. It will also limit pain by lifting adhesions through mobilization of the viscera. Thanks to all this, circulation to the abdomen will improve, which will also reduce pain.

And don't forget, if you suffer from dysmenorrhea, menstrual pants made from organic cotton make your periods softer, because they don't add any extra aggression to the genitals, which can be the case with conventional menstrual protection.

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Mon médecin m’a prescrit des séances de kinés après mon accouchement en hypopressif. Sur internet je vois que ce n’est pas vraiment ce que propose Estelle Kiné. Ca a l’air plus technique… Peut-on avoir une vidéo sur le sujet ? Comment s’inscrire à une formation ?


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