Events and workshops

Register and take part!

Discover the events and webinars we organize throughout the year on Zoom. Our health pros and speakers specializing in their field offer you a wide variety of videoconferences focusing on women's health, the cycle and well-being in general.

Select the date that interests you and register on our workshop platform. You'll then receive an instant confirmation email, followed by the login link on the day of the event to take part in the selected workshop.

  • Eva

    Great breastfeeding workshop! Thank you
    - Breastfeeding workshop

  • Marion B.

    Great workshop with Laëtitia. Her sharing of experience is very enriching and resonates with me. New perspectives are emerging. Not to be missed.

  • Maria

    I took part in Laurène Sindicic's live workshop yesterday and thought it was really great! I hope we can have a workshop like that again!
    - Cycle and fertility

  • Sandy

    It was an interesting workshop.

  • Jessica

    Great workshop and passionate speaker!

  • Juliette

    I'm so glad I took part in Laëtitia Lescher's workshops! Thank you Elia for offering them to us

  • Judith

    Very interesting and enriching workshops on topics of femininity rarely dealt with in a serious way.

  • Marie

    A top-notch speaker who answered all our questions! Thank you, Elia, for organizing these workshops!

  • aV

    very very interesting

  • Hélène B.

    very interesting

  • Axelle

    The diet workshop was consistent with the self-respecting approach I'm currently taking. A lot of kindness and common sense. It's an introduction to help those who need it to finally go and see a dietician to relearn how to eat and ask themselves what they're trying to achieve by losing weight.
    - Why do diets not work?

  • Margottet

    The 2 workshops on breastfeeding and painful periods were very good Thank you very much
    Would it be possible to have a recording of the workshop on painful periods?
    - Painful periods & breastfeeding

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