Copper IUD and periods : menstrual flow and bleeding

Of all the contraceptive methods available today, the IUD has one major advantage: it is not very restrictive. But every woman reacts differently depending on the method of contraception she chooses... How does the copper IUD affect periods ? We tell you all about it in this article.

What is a copper coil?

A copper IUD is a T-shaped contraceptive device placed in theuterus by a general practitioner, gynecologist or midwife. It is made of polyethylene and surrounded by a copper wire. A wire protruding a centimetre outside the uterus is used for removal. Women with IUDs can feel this wire, but normally the partner does not. If they do, the doctor can cut the thread shorter. Depending on the model, it can be worn for 3 to 5 years. The copper IUD is a non-hormonal method of contraception, with 99% efficacy. Copper actually blocks fertilization, preventing sperm from reaching the egg and making it impossible for the egg to attach to the uterus.

This intra-uterine device can be used by all women, including those who have never been pregnant. Contrary to popular belief, it is not harmful to health. Different IUD sizes are available. It's a hormone-free contraceptive that preserves the natural cycle. What's more, the IUD has no impact on fertility!

The copper IUD costs €30.50, and is 65% reimbursed by social security.

What are the effects of the copper coil on periods ?

Like many contraceptive methods, the IUD and periods are linked. To act, the IUD causes chronic inflammation of the endometrium. Menstruation with an IUD is therefore different.

The arrival of periods abundant and sometimes painful after insertion

The first menstrual periods after insertion of a copper IUD are more pleasant. abundantmore long and sometimes more painful. This is normal and should eventually stabilize after several cycles (about 6 months).

On the other hand, if you experience periods very heavy or even haemorrhagic bleeding, causing pain, fatigue, dizziness, anaemia or other effects, consult your doctor. It may be that this contraceptive method is not suitable for you. All you need to do is have your health-care professional remove it from the cervix using the threads.

Normal periods after a period of adjustment

Finally, after a period of adjustment, menstruation usually stabilizes. However, they may remain a little heavier than before insertion. For women with a naturally short, very light flow, the difference will be minimal. The copper IUD can also cause brown bleeding one or two days before periods. This contraceptive method extends the duration of menstruation.

Bleeding outside the menstrual flow

Several months after fitting an IUD, it is possible to experience blood loss outside the periods, known as spotting. It's nothing to worry about, just give your body time to s'adapt to this new contraceptive method.
Blood loss can also occur after fitting a copper IUD. It is also possible (but less common) to bleed during insertion. To help you cope, you can use a period pants.

When is it not advisable to wear a copper IUD?

The IUD can be worn by all womenwhether they've had children or not.
The choice of this contraceptive method is however not recommended for women with certain health concerns:
  • a malformation of the uterus or, more generally, an abnormality of the uterine cavity, making it impossible to insert an IUD.
  • a genital infection of the uterus or fallopian tubes, whether ongoing, recurrent or less than 3 months old.
  • cervical cancer
  • genital tuberculosis
  • a risk of pregnancy or pregnancy
  • recent childbirth (wait 4 weeks after l)
  • an abortion less than 3 months old
  • copper sensitivity
  • a high risk of STIs
  • an STI less than 3 months old
  • unexplained vaginal discharge (which could indicate a serious pathology)
  • The presence of copper in the IUD can affect zinc levels in the body, sometimes requiring supplements to maintain an optimal balance, and can result in more pronounced acne.

What are the advantages of a copper IUD compared with a hormonal device?

It offers several advantages over a hormonal intrauterine device:
  • The first is that it contains no hormones. Very interesting for women with contraindications to hormonal treatments.
  • Secondly, the copper IUD remains in place for 3 to 5 years, which frees up a mental burden that can be difficult to cope with when taking the pill, for example.


In conclusion, it's crucial to take your gynecologist's recommendations into account when choosing a contraceptive that's right for your life and your body. Although the contraceptive pill is widely used, copper IUDs offer a remarkably effective non-hormonal alternative. Their mode of action, based on the insertion of a T-shaped intrauterine device, involves professional removal by a midwife or doctor. The copper in these devices acts by blocking fertilization, offering a high level of contraceptive efficacy. However, it is essential to note that the use of IUDs can lead to side effects such as menstrual pain and prolonged bleeding. It is therefore essential to consult a healthcare professional to assess the duration of use and possible effects on your menstrual cycle and uterine health. By making informed decisions and listening to your doctor's advice, you can choose the contraceptive that best suits your lifestyle and overall well-being.

The FAQ for copper IUDs and periods

When does periods arrive after a copper IUD insertion?

The first menstrual period after insertion of a copper IUD is not delayed, and usually arrives on the date originally planned. For 6 months after insertion, periods may be heavier and more painful. Immediately after insertion, you may also experience some bleeding.

How to avoid periods with a copper IUD?

As this method is a natural contraception without hormones, it does not suppress the different menstrual phases, as can the hormonal IUD, implant or certain pills.

What are the disadvantages of a copper IUD?


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