Is it possible to make love during periods ?

You've got your periods and you're wondering if you can make love during this period? Don't worry, here are some explanations and advice on the situation!

Is it possible to make love during periods ?

The majority of women and men are not necessarily comfortable during this period. Concerns are mainly based on the periods taboo. Are these fears well-founded?

Are there any medical risks or contraindications?

Having her periods does not alter the physiology of the vagina, making it incompatible with sexual penetration: it's still the same size! From a technical point of view, blood loss in no way prevents lovemaking during periods.

On the other hand, more general symptoms linked to periods, such as migraines, pelvic pain and menstrual cramps, can spoil the pleasure, but there is no medical contraindication to sexual intercourse, with the exception of sexually transmitted infections, as blood can encourage the proliferation of bacteria. So it's important to protect yourself if you don't know whether you or your partner has an STI.

What are the advantages of sexual intercourse during periods ?

Making love during periods can even have several advantages:

  • Some women experience a heightened libido during menstruation: pleasure is increased tenfold.
  • Menstrual blood acts as a natural lubricant, and irritation is less frequent.
  • Making love releases the happiness hormoneendorphin, which provides a feeling of well-being, beneficial during painful periods or migraine headaches.
  • Lorgasm also helps reduce menstrual pain
  • Orgasmic uterine contractions will also speed up the flow of blood from the uterus, linked to the degradation of the endometrium during each cycle: periods will therefore be shorter!

What are the benefits of sporting activity with periods ?

To make sure everything goes smoothly, however, there are a few tips to follow! Let's discover them together.

Be on contraception during intercourse

Even though periods is the least fertile period of the cycle, it is not uncommon to become pregnant in the case of ovulation disorders or irregular periods , coupled with the long lifespan of spermatozoa in the body. It is therefore essential to protect yourself with male or female contraception to avoid the risk of an unwanted pregnancy.

Use a condom to limit irritation

While blood acts as a natural lubricant, it's important to avoid scratching the vaginal wall, as bleeding can encourage the transmission of infection. The cervix is in fact slightly open to allow the blood from periods to pass through, resulting from the degradation of the uterine mucosa: the uterus is therefore much more prone to STIs, as it is no longer protected by the endometrium and cervical mucus.

Our tips for stress-free sex with periods

To get the most out of your menstrual lovemaking, here are a few tips:

  • Let go: if you're comfortable with your body and your partner too, it's no problem! Psychological blockage can prevent you from letting go and enjoying the moment.
  • Think ahead: use a dark bath towel on the bed, floor or sofa to avoid stains! You can also opt for shower sex. Even if bodily fluids are perfectly normal, no one wants to spend time afterwards loosening sheets.
  • Remove your internal sanitary protection: if you have a cup or tampon, it's imperative to remove it before sexual penetration: it could be pushed higher up towards the cervix, making intercourse uncomfortable in the first place, and secondly, making it more difficult to remove afterwards.
  • Choose your positions: if you're not comfortable with the idea of spilling your menstrual fluid on the sheets and your partner, don't hesitate to opt for lying down or with your pelvis flat. However, there's nothing to stop more daring partners from practicing cunilingus and any other position you please! As long as there's no vaginal penetration, there's nothing to stop you keeping your menstrual cup on during foreplay or anal intercourse.
  • Rinse off afterwards: proper intimate hygiene is essential, especially during the periods, as blood was more prolific for the development of bacteria.

Why do we want to make love during periods ?

Most of the time, the sight of blood, menstrual pain, migraine and nausea put sexual desire on the back burner during periods, for men and women alike. There may also be cultural obstacles, or simply an embarrassment, discomfort or feeling of disgust that doesn't make you want to do it. In that case, listen to yourself!

On the other hand, some women have a heightened libido, due to hormonal changes at this time of the cycle, and may therefore feel particularly aroused during this period. In this case, it's important to respect your partner's choice and make this a pleasant time for both of you, while respecting each other's choices!

The FAQ for making love during periods

How to make love with periods ?

Pour faire l’amour pendant ses règles, rien de plus simple : faites comme d’habitude<:strong> ! Vous pouvez cependant en profiter pour le faire sous la douche, ou sinon placer une serviette sombre sur votre lit pour ne pas tâcher vos draps.

What is the risk of making love during periods ?

There are no contraindications to making love during periods, except in the case ofsexually transmitted infections, which find a more fertile breeding ground for the development of bacteria in the blood. So protect yourself!

Should I remove my tampon during sex?

Absolutely! On the one hand, this could be unpleasant for you or your partner during vaginal penetration, and on the other, it could push it further towards the cervix: you might have trouble finding the string to pull it out and end up in the emergency room!


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