Are probiotics effective against pain periods ?

Are probiotics effective against pain periods ?

 Are probiotics a solution for pain at periods ?

To date, there are no scientific studies proving the benefit of a strain or combination of probiotic strains directly on the pain of periods. We need to be careful about marketing and the claims made by certain laboratories. 

However, there are many solutions available in pharmacies that can be recommended in the case of painful periods , solutions that are more natural than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Whether or not you are using contraception, we can advise you:

  •       Evening primrose oil is rich in GLA, a molecule that regulates inflammation and hormones, reducing the hyperestrogenic climate. Evening primrose oil can be recommended at a dose of 500 to 1,500 milligrams a day from the 15th to the 25th day of the cycle.
  •       Pain at periods can often be a source of anxiety and stress, which can lead to magnesium loss. Magnesium really helps to regulate pain. So it's a good idea to take a magnesium supplement before you start periods to prevent the onset of pain from l.
  •       There's also a very interesting molecule that can be recommended, with or without hormone treatment, which sis called pycnogenol. Pycnogenol is an extract of maritime pine bark, and can be taken at a dose of 30 milligrams a day, around 7 days before the start of periods. It will really have an anti-inflammatory action. It will limit the need for analgesics and reduce the pain period.
  • If you are not using hormonal contraceptionIf you don't have hormonal contraception, we can recommend plants such as alchemilla and chaste tree, which will increase progesterone and regulate estrogen levels.
  •       Given that our hormones are metabolized, i.e. eliminated by our liver, we generally need to support lthe enzymatic action of the liver, which may require a little detoxification from time to time. I invite you to visit your local pharmacy for advice.
  •       Above all, avoid vitamin D deficiency. It has been scientifically studied that there may be a link between vitamin D deficiency and the onset of premenstrual syndrome, which can include dysmenorrhea.

What causes pain periods ?

Pain from periodspain, also known as dysmenorrhea, is pain linked to abdomino-pelvic contractions that occur with each cycle and can vary in intensity from one woman to the next. Some women just feel a heaviness, while others experience very sharp, even incapacitating pain. They generally appear one or two days before periods and cease fairly quickly once periods begins.

More precisely, pain at periods is linked to contraction of the uterine muscle, which causes vasoconstriction (blood vessels constrict) and thus a reduction in the flow of oxygen to the muscles, resulting in pain known as ischemic pain.

These contractions are due to the secretion of inflammatory molecules, called prostaglandins, by the cells in the endometrium, which are eliminated at the time of periods. Dysmenorrhea often occurs in a hyperestrogenic climate, i.e. when there is too much estrogen, because estrogen increases the secretion of these inflammatory molecules.

When should you seek help for dysmenorrhea?

Consult your doctor when pain becomes incapacitating and leads to absenteeism. But also when they are accompanied by other symptoms such as discharge or fever, or if non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, which can be recommended as first-line treatment, are not enough to relieve the pain. If pain appears in adulthood, you should also consult your doctor, as this may be referred to as "secondary dysmenorrhea".

If you liked this article, you can also watch our video on the subject. During your periods, stay accompanied by our menstrual panties in organic cottongentler on your vulva.
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