What effect does the Moon have on health and the body?

Quel est l’effet de la Lune sur la santé et sur le corps ?

Insomnia, mood swings, weight gain, painful periods... The Moon has always been attributed with various influences on the humanorganism. While certain effects have been debunked by science, in 2020 Professor Marc Henry demonstrated that lunar cycles have a real effect on living beings on our planet. But whateffect does the Moon have on our health and our bodies? Our investigation.

How does the Moon affect our bodies?

Overall, the Moon exerts the same influence on the bodies of men, women and children. However, the intensity of its effects may be more pronounced for luno-sensitive people or menstruating women. The Moon's Moon cycle may affect sleep, mood, weight and hair growth.

Why does the Moon influence sleep?

In 2013, Swiss scientists demonstrated for the first time the influence of the lunar cycle on human sleep. Around the time of the full Moon , they observed a drop in blood levels of the sleep hormone melatonin, and a 20-minute reduction in total sleep time.

In a study published in 2021 in the journal Science Advances, other researchers confirm that the Moon , and more precisely the light it emits, can influence our sleep. In fact, many of the participants in this study exhibited disorders linked to changes in the moon. They went to bed later and tended to sleep less 3 to 5 days before the night of the full Moon.

If you're having trouble falling asleep , your sleep is restless and you're waking up earlier, it's possible that the full Moon is approaching. Check your calendar for confirmation, and remember that everything will be back to normal in no time once this phase is over!

The Moon's effect on mood

The Moon can also have an impact on our mood. Luno-sensitive or naturally stressed people may find it more difficult to manage their emotions at the time of a full Moon. All the more so if they haven't slept well during this period! Lack of sleep can actually promote stress and irritability.

In his book entitled Lune et santé. Mode d'emploi, Dr. Henry Puget explains that the rays emitted during the full moon are similar to microwaves. They affect the nervous system and some hormonal glands, leading to increased anxiety.

A Quebec scientific study published in the journal PubMed found that episodes ofanxiety were 32% less frequent during the last quarter. Moon and well-being seem to be intimately linked!

The Moon's effect on weight

We know that thelunar star has an effect on our planet's bodies of water. The same applies to the fluids circulating in our bodies.

According to Julie Frédérique, author of Belle et en forme avec la Lune , the rising Moon period favors water retention and weight gain in women. The waning Moon, on the other hand, is conducive to theelimination of water and toxins accumulated by the body. Slimming down may therefore be easier at this time of year.

The Moon's influence on hair growth

Another possible effect of the Moon on health is the stimulation or slowing down of hair growth. While hair's good health depends on many variables (hormonal, genetic and nutritional), its growth could be linked to the phases of our satellite.

Some believe that the rays of the full Moon promote dilation of blood vessels in the scalp. By increasing in size and flow, the supply of nutrients is greater during this period. Cutting your hair on the day of the full Moon, or the days preceding it, will stimulate its growth and vitality. Conversely, to slow down hair growth , you should cut your hair during the waning phase of the Moon.

What effects does the Moon have on women?

The menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle cover roughly the same length of time: 28 days on average for the former, compared with 29.5 days for the latter. From the earliest times, these two phenomena have been linked. Even today, many people still believe in the Moon's influence on women's health , and in particular on menstruation and pregnancy. But what is the reality?

The effects of the Moon on menstruation

In a study published in 2021, scientists were able to confirm the existence of a close link between menstruation and the Moon. They claim that the female cycle was synchronized with the lunar cycle before the advent of artificial light and hormonal contraception.

However, the Moon's effect on menstruation has yet to be proven. Some women report feeling no change around the time of the full Moon. Others report a more intense menstrual syndrome , very painful periods and chronic fatigue during this period of the lunar cycle. It's up to each individual to listen to her body and adjust her menstrual cycle to the lunar calendar, in order to be in phase with her femininity.

The effects of the Moon on pregnancy

Many people believe that the Moon has an effect on pregnancy , and more specifically onchildbirth. The Moon's gravitational pull is said to increase the risk of water breaking, and therefore the number of deliveries.

L'influence of the Moon on childbirth has been the subject of numerous studies, all arriving at the same conclusion: the number of babies born on a full Moon day is no higher than on other days. These include analyses carried out by the Mountain Area Health Education Center on nearly 600,000 births over a five-year period in North Carolina, USA. Until proven otherwise, Moon and childbirth have no tangible link.

The FAQ of the Moon's effect on health

Which Moon makes you sick?

With its strong luminosity and intense radiation, the full Moon is said to make it easier to become ill. Some people currently suffer from sleep disorders, anxiety and mood swings when it approaches.

Is the full Moon tiring?

Yes, a number of studies have shown that the full Moon can affect how long you fall asleep and the quality of your sleep. You may therefore feel more tired than usual during this phase of the lunar cycle.

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