Know the Moon's cycle to be in tune with your femininity

Know the Moon's cycle to be in tune with your femininity

Since the dawn of time, the Moon has fascinated men and women alike. Many beliefs associate this changing star with femininity and fertility. In fact, the lunar cycle and the menstrual cycle have phases and are almost equally long. Would you like to find out more about the Moon's cycle and ltheinfluence it can have on your femininity? Here's everything you need to know!

What is the lunar cycle? Definition

The lunar cycle is the succession of phases of our satellite. As the Moon emits no light, the silvery glow it gives us is none other than the light of the Sun reflected on its surface. When observed from Earth, it therefore takes on different appearances depending on its position in relation to the Sun.

We also always see the same hemisphere, called the "visible side", as opposed to the "hidden side", which we never see. This is due to the Moon's synchronous rotation. In fact, it takes roughly the same amount of time to orbit our planet as it does to rotate on its own axis(29.5 days).

Every month, we can admire its eight phases in the sky:

  1. the new Moon or Black Moon (almost invisible to the naked eye) l;
  2. the first crescent Moon;
  3. First Quarter Moon;
  4. the waxing Gibbous Moon;
  5. the full moon;
  6. the waning Gibbous Moon ;
  7. Last Quarter Moon;
  8. the last crescent Moon.

What is a lunation?

The lunation, also known as the lunar month or synodic month, is lthetime interval between two consecutive new Moons . It should not be confused with the sidereal month, which corresponds to the time it takes for the Moon to complete one revolution of the Earth (27 days 7 hours 43 minutes and 11.5 seconds).

As our satellite and planet also revolve around the Sun, there is a two-day time lag before the Sun's light hits the Moon in the same way as it does at the start of the lunar cycle. The average length of a lunation sis therefore 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes and 2.8 seconds.

How long is a lunar cycle?

A new lunar cycle begins each time the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned. The duration of this cycle corresponds to the time of a lunation, or 29 and a half days.

With periods occurring every 28 days on average, the menstrual cycle and the menstrual cycle and the Moon have been compared and compared very early in history. According to certain beliefs, the different phases of the lunar cycle and the menstrual cycle are intimately linked and relate to the four great energies of life : birth, growth, fulfillment and finally decline.

In a study published in 2021 in the journal Science Advances, researchers have confirmed the hypothesis of a relationship between the Moon and menstruation. According to them, the female cycle and the lunar cycle were probably synchronized in ancient times. And it's our current way of life, less in tune with nature, as well as the advent of artificial light and the pill, that have upset this harmony.

The Moon's cycle: how does it influence us?

You've undoubtedly heard of the impact of the different phases of the Moon on the tides. Our satellite exerts an attractive force on the Earth, causing the mass of water at a given point to rise or fall.

But did you know that the Moon's cycle can also influence living beings, especially women? Thanks to the work of Professor Marc Henry of Strasbourg University, this influence has been scientifically demonstrated.

In his book L'Eau morphogénique : santé, information et champs de conscience, the researcher describes a phenomenon known as the "magneto-gravitational effect". He explains that ions passing through our cells create an electromagnetic field that can be stimulated by the gravitational force of the Moon, but also of the planets. Visit horoscopes drawn up by astrologers reflect the influences that the stars have on us.

Since 65% of our bodies are made up of water, we're all subject to theMoon's influence, despite ourselves l. Of course, some people are more receptive than others, and experience different effects according to the Moon's phases.

When the Moon is full, you may feel more nervous and tired, suffer frominsomnia and a slight loss of appetite. Other Moon phases may also affect hair growth, skinhydration and sensitivity.

As the lunar cycle is intimately linked to the menstrual period, it may also have additional effects on women. SAlthough they have not yet been scientifically proven, some people report a more pronounced menstrual syndrome or painfulperiods when the full Moon approaches. Whatever the case, paying attention to lunar energies and their influences can only be beneficial for reconnecting with nature and yourself.

Are you interested in the lunar cycle and astrology? Know that lunology could be a valuable ally. This practice aims to harness the influence of the lunar cycle on our daily lives. According to astrologer Yasmine Boland, each phase of the Moon is more or less conducive to certain activities.

To find out the position of the Moon, refer to the lunar calendar for the current year, which lists the various lunations to come. In this way, you can make the most of the energies diffused by this luminous and familiar star to feel in tune with your femininity.

Moon cycle FAQ

How many lunar cycles are there in a year?

A year generally comprises twelve or thirteen lunar cycles. By dividing the average length of a year (365.25 days) by that of a lunation (29.5 days), we obtain a result of between 12 and 13.

How to calculate the Moon's cycle

It's not possible to calculate the cycle of the leading Moon. Each lunation has a different length, and various variables need to be taken into account. To find out the phases of the Moon, you can use a lunar calendar in paper format or online.

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