Understanding the lunar calendar

Comprendre le calendrier lunaire

Who hasn't heard of the famous lunar calendar? That's right, this calendar based on the cycles of the Moon, and more precisely, the different phases of the Moon!

Astrology is far from being an exact science, since it hasn't been scientifically proven, but it continues to make the headlines in articles and podcasts. Yet many people have only a rough understanding of the lunar calendar. Don't worry, Elia has taken a closer look at the lunar calendar - explanations!

Definition: what is a lunar calendar?

To define a lunar calendar, let's go back to the basics. It's a system for measuring time based on the phases of the Moon throughout the year. It differs from the Gregorian or solar calendar, which is based on the Earth's rotation around the Sun.

The lunar calendar is therefore linked to the phases of the Moon, with one month in the lunar calendar corresponding to one lunation, the period of time between two new moons.

The lunar calendar can thus be used to determine the dates of events (tides, planting seasons, religious festivals, etc.). However, the lunar calendar does not take seasons into account.

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The duration of a lunation is approximately 29 days (and if we want to push the envelope, we'll say that a lunation lasts 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2 seconds). The Moon is also referred to as the "synodic" period, i.e. the period that includes the new Moon, the full Moon, the first quarter Moon and the last quarter Moon.

What are the origins of the lunar calendar?

As explained above, the lunar calendar is a system of measurement that originally tracked events and dates over long periods of time according to the cycles of the Moon. The date of the new lunar year depends on the Moon's position, and changes every year.

If we go back to the history of civilizations, it turns out that the lunar calendar was one of the very first systems created to organize time. It was used by many ancient cultures, including Mesopotamia (the Mesopotamian calendar), Assyria, Egypt and Greece.

A lunar calendar was a simpler way of measuring time than a solar calendar, since the Moon's cycles are fewer and less complex than those of the Sun.

Lunar calendar and moon cycle

Used to organize activities according to the Moon's cycle, the lunar calendar has been developed from human observations since the dawn of time.

In gardening, for example, the lunar calendar is used to plan sowing, planting and harvesting, since the phases of the Moon are said to influence the development of plants. It is said that new and full Moon days are ideal for sowing or planting, and that first and last quarter Moon days are more beneficial for pruning or fertilizing plants.

So, let's start again: the Moon has different cycles linked to its position in relation to the Sun and the Earth(a position which determines the amount of light reflected on the Moon). So far, so good. These cycles have an impact on the Moon's phases, which are repeated every month (the lunation).

It's possible to observe 8 phases of the Moon each month, distinguished by the "size" of the surface that is illuminated(and visible to us little humans on Earth), namely :

  • The new Moon(the side we see is not illuminated, and the Moon appears almost invisible);
  • The first crescent;
  • First Quarter(half the Moon is illuminated);
  • The waxing Gibbous Moon ;
  • Full Moon;
  • Waning Gibbous Moon ;
  • Last quarter ;
  • Last crescent.

Lunar calendar and lunology

The lunar calendar is a tool or system for measuring time, based on the Moon's cycles. It is based on the eight phases of the Moon, as well as lunar movements.

The lunology concerns the study of these different Moon phases and, above all, their influence(real or felt, isn't it!) on our daily lives: in terms of emotions, sleep or the menstrual cycle.

Lunar calendar and astrology

If the lunar calendar is a system used to track the phases of the Moon (for gardening, for example), it's also a tool much used in astrology, notably for creating horoscopes.

Why? Because in astrology, the Moon is a star associated with emotions, fertility and the way we react to events. In this sense, the different phases of the Moon are said to influence not only our emotional states, but also our bodies and our sleep. The lunar cycle and astrology are intimately linked.

There are numerous online sites for finding out your lunar sign, i.e. the astrological sign corresponding to the position of the Moon at the time of your birth. The astrological lunar calendar for the current year is also available online on several websites, allowing you to track which zodiac sign and constellation the Moon is in throughout the year.

Lunar calendar and menstrual cycle

At this point in the article, we had to mention this subject, which is constantly making the headlines in certain magazines and astrology articles. Yes, as you may have noticed, the lunar cycle and the menstrual cycle are surprisingly similar. While a woman's menstrual cycle lasts around 28 days, the lunar cycle lasts 29 days.

Coincidence? Not according to lunology aficionados... However, despite countless articles claiming that the lunar cycle has an influence on the menstrual cycle (and therefore menstruation, ovulation, the luteal and follicular phases), scientific proof of such a link is conspicuously absent! It's even possible to predict a baby's the sex of a baby with the lunar calendar.

The important thing is to ask yourself, as a woman, about your own emotional states and the way you deal with everyday events, which can vary enormously depending on your personality, your background and your individual situation.

But if you're already convinced of the influence of the zodiac sign on your emotions, it could be that the beliefs about the effects of the lunar cycle on the menstrual cycle echo what you're feeling! Menstrual cycle and moon: perhaps a new way of looking at mood variations over the course of the month? You decide!

Lunar calendar FAQ

What's the difference between the lunar and solar calendars?

The lunar calendar is based on the Moon's cycle of 12 months and 354 days (slightly shorter than the solar year). On average, a month in the lunar calendar lasts 29 days, the time between two new moons. The solar calendar is based on the sun's cycle of approximately 365 days. The Gregorian calendar, used in most countries today, is a solar calendar with 12 months (365 or 366 days, depending on leap years).

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