periods black: should s'worry? Causes and solutions

Written by Marion Goilav Professional proofreading
Reviewed by Charline midwife Professional proofreading


Have you noticed changes in the color of your blood loss at periods ? Are you wondering about this unusual black discharge? Although they can be impressive, blackperiods are not uncommon. We explain what causes them.

Why can periods blood be black?

If the body's blood is originally red, the color of periods may change. When it takes on a black hue, it may be dried or oxidized blood. This happens when blood stagnates in the vagina and comes into contact with air. Air oxidizes the blood. This can happen when the flow is light, for example at the beginning or end of periods . If you notice no other symptoms, there's no need to worry.

What causes black blood at periods ?

All women can experience black periods in the course of their lives. The causes vary widely.

Hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraception often reduces theabundance of periods. Since they are less abundant, they are less red, but also, because they flow less quickly, they can dry out in the vagina and therefore be dark when you observe them coming out.

The first or last day of periods

At these times, the flow is generally thin. The blood therefore takes longer to s'drain from the vagina. It then takes on a darker hue when in the presence of air. Like a cut, fresh blood is red, but will turn brown once it has dried on a bandage, for example.

During ovulation

During ovulation, hormone levels in the body fluctuate (the famous LH peak and high estrogen levels). This can cause spotting. Since they are not very abundant, they can also oxidize and become darker.

Medical causes: inflammation or stress

In some cases, the color of periods can be altered by stress or inflammation. A medical consultation may be useful to alleviate these problems.

Brown or black losses: are they the same thing?

When flux is less abundant, the degree of oxidation can vary. The periods brown or black color is then due to the same phenomenon, but at a different level. There's no need to worry s.

Periodic protection for periods blacks

period pants is ideal for black periods . It lets s'blood flow naturally, so there's no blood stagnation. You can choose a light level of protection for light flows. The panty offers optimum comfort. Briefs from periods are also environmentally friendly, as they are reusable and economical.

Avoid lthe use of buffers

As mentioned above, periods are often a sign of light discharge. When the flow is light, it's best not to use tampons. In fact, tampons can sometimes cause dryness in the intimate area. SIf there isn't enough blood, it may be difficult or even painful to remove the tampon.

Is it necessary to consult a doctor in the event of black blood loss?

While in most cases black periods are nothing to worry about, it may be worth seeking medical advice if they are accompanied by other symptoms, such as those listed below.

periods blackheads and stomach aches

Moderate pain is normal during periods, but if it becomes too intense and is associated with black discharge, you should seek medical advice. This may be a sign of endometriosis or inflammation.

periods fragrant black

During periods, the odor of intimate flora may vary, but discharge is not supposed to smell bad. This may indicate a vaginal infection such as mycosis, an STD, vaginosis...

periods abundant black

When the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the flow may be less abundant or, conversely l, stronger. This may be due to a new hormonal contraceptive, or to menopause. Losses are no longer regular, and may fluctuate between light and heavy flows.

periods black during pregnancy

In early pregnancy, it's not uncommon to experience a little bleeding. They are often light, and tend to darken as they s'oxidize.periods These can be s'birthday bleeds'. They're not serious, but they can come as a surprise to the expectant mother. In all cases, bleeding during pregnancy should be monitored. It's best to inform your doctor. sIt is also possible to have bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy, at a time other than the anniversary date on which periods should have flowed. It is estimated that 50% of pregnant women experience bleeding in early pregnancy. Often, this bleeding is nothing to worry about. But it can sometimes be a sign of miscarriage. If you experience bleeding during pregnancy, we advise you to inform your doctor or midwife.
However, if the bleeding at the start of pregnancy is accompanied by pain that doesn't go away with painkillers, and if you haven't yet had an ultrasound scan, it's essential to go to the gynaecological emergency department, to check that it's not s' ectopic pregnancy.

What can be done about it?

As mentioned above, if your black periods are accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or foul-smelling discharge, you should consult a doctor or midwife. He or she will guide you towards the right treatment for your situation. Your health care professional will start by asking you questions. Sometimes, this simple discussion can help you understand what's wrong with you and answer your questions.
Sometimes, questioning is not enough, and your healthcare professional will want to carry out additional tests (not all of which are necessarily useful and carried out):

  • a gynecological examination: observation of the vagina and cervix through speculum examination
  • a smear test
  • a vaginal swab
  • pelvic ultrasound
  • sometimes even a pelvic MRI if endometriosis is suspected.

If a genital infection is diagnosed, you may be prescribed a local or oral treatment (e.g. antibiotics in some cases).

Surprisingly enough, black periods are often not indicative of a problem. If you observe no other symptoms, there's no reason to s'worry.

Black periods FAQs

Why is the blood on my periods black?

This is due to oxidation of the blood. When discharge is light, blood tends to stagnate in the vagina before running out. It then comes into contact with air, and changes color to become darker.

Is it normal to have black periods ?

Yes, it's perfectly normal. It can happen to any woman. Particularly at the beginning or end of periods, when the flow is less abundant. But also in the case of spottings, small bleedings outside the periods due to a new or not totally adapted hormonal contraception. Black periods can also occur during the menopause, when the flow is very changeable, or at the start of pregnancy.

Are periods black periods anniversaries?

During the first few weeks of pregnancy, you may experience a slight loss of blood. This small quantity of blood s'flows slowly, so s'oxidizes. It changes color to periods brown-black. Black periods can therefore be periods anniversaries, but also periods normal for women who are not pregnant.


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