Does the covid-19 vaccine have an impact on periods ?

Does the covid-19 vaccine have an impact on periods ?

After several months of vaccination campaigns, cases of menstrual cycle disruption have been reported to the French national drug safety agency. Many of our customers asked us for feedback on vaccination and the impact of the vaccine on menstruating patients. We therefore carried out a survey of 7517 people, to study the impact of vaccination on periods and the menstrual cycle.

Thus, out of 7517 respondents, 32% experienced menstrual disorders after the vaccine injection. Conversely, 68% of respondents experienced no menstrual disorders following injection of the covid-19 vaccine.

Among the 32% who observed menstrual disorders following the vaccine injection, 17% had periods earlier, 21% had periods more painful on the following cycle, 19% had periods more abundant and finally 22% had periods later than expected.

Sources: Elia survey - August 2021

Several of our customers testify:

"I was supposed to have my periods until Saturday, but they stopped on Tuesday, the day I was vaccinated, even though I've always had very regular cycles", "I had spottings after my vaccine doses!", "Since the vaccine, I lose 2 drops on the 1st day of my periods and then nothing!", "After my first dose, my cycle lasted 37 days instead of the usual 27" or "My periods still haven't started, I'm almost 60 days...".

So where do these disorders come from?

Although nothing is set in stone, several theories currently put forward the fact that, since the uterine lining is part of the immune system (since there are immune cells in virtually every part of the body), after being vaccinated, many chemical signals (which can have an impact on immune cells) circulate in the body. This can lead to loss of the uterine lining, resulting in earlier bleeding or periods .

These cells are essential for the construction, maintenance and destruction of the uterine lining, which will thicken in preparation for pregnancy and then be eliminated by periods when the ovum is not fertilized.

However, it is important to stress that no link with the risk of miscarriage has been established. Similarly, the link between vaccination and impact on the menstrual cycle has not been scientifically proven. 

There's no need to s'worry about these menstrual cycle disturbances. In fact, when you get vaccinated, it activates your immune system and creates inflammation.

Source :

Our collection of menstrual briefs is ideal for living your periods with peace of mind, especially when they are disturbed by spotting, heavier white discharge or irregular cycles.


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